Thank you SO much - very frustrating when you cannot see an Outbox - carried out your instructions RedpointRik and it worked a treat. Many thanks
Ah, yes, thank you Microsoft
Solution for the missing Outbox that I have found:
1. Select "Work Offline" in the Outlook menu
2. Force close Outlook
3. Re-open Outlook.
4. You will still be offline and able to see the Outbox with the message that you want to delete.
5. Go back to the Outlook menu and again select "Work Offline", which will un-check that option and allow you to do a S/R.
Editorial: It is not only Microsoft that slights Macintosh, many software vendors are cheesy about Mac support. It is simply the cross we bear...
Diddo! I had this exact problem. Thank you for posting the fix!thank you.
thank you. it worked like a charm. however, it is still a source of irritation that the Outbox will not be seen on online mode.
Ah, yes, thank you Microsoft
Solution for the missing Outbox that I have found:
1. Select "Work Offline" in the Outlook menu
2. Force close Outlook
3. Re-open Outlook.
4. You will still be offline and able to see the Outbox with the message that you want to delete.
5. Go back to the Outlook menu and again select "Work Offline", which will un-check that option and allow you to do a S/R.
Editorial: It is not only Microsoft that slights Macintosh, many software vendors are cheesy about Mac support. It is simply the cross we bear...
This worked for a customer.
But reading through this thread annoyed the **** out of me, not because people are wrong.
Yes, microsoft should fix it, but the fact there is so much hatred for microsoft on this forum! if things are so bad why are you guys even using outlook in the first place? why not use mail that comes standard with your apple product?
But anyway, Thanks for the fix.
[doublepost=1473834885][/doublepost]It actually works, when go to window>progress, delete the stuck emails, the outbox appears in its usual location, yet again you need to delete the emails from the outbox folder. thanks.Microsoft's response - submit a feature request
It appears this is an intentional change by Microsoft. They are inviting users to request that the outbox be restored in a future update, if users wish this to be reversed:
"This feature has been moved to the Progress window. If you choose Window > Progress, you'll be able to see when a message is sending and cancel it before it sends.
If this is a feature youd like to see changed in future versions of Office for Mac, be sure to send your feedback by clicking Help > Send Feedback in any Office application or by clicking on the link below:
Office for Mac | Product Feedback "
You'll need to create the email with smaller attachments. If there are no attachments, you can try copy/paste the contents into a new message and see if that sends.
BTW, for anyone following this thread, there is a script that will remove messages that you can't see in the Outbox. Note: it deletes them with no way to recover.
Delete Outbox Messages
[doublepost=1489717879][/doublepost]Thank you so much RedpointRik - your solution definitely works. I was becoming extremely frustrated trying to delete an email that would not show itself.Ah, yes, thank you Microsoft
Solution for the missing Outbox that I have found:
1. Select "Work Offline" in the Outlook menu
2. Force close Outlook
3. Re-open Outlook.
4. You will still be offline and able to see the Outbox with the message that you want to delete.
5. Go back to the Outlook menu and again select "Work Offline", which will un-check that option and allow you to do a S/R.
Editorial: It is not only Microsoft that slights Macintosh, many software vendors are cheesy about Mac support. It is simply the cross we bear...
I was able to delete the original large email from the outbox but my Outlook was sporadically throwing the pinwheel. In an attempt to stop this, I searched for the original email (found it it in deleted but it was misdated - weird), opened it, removed the attachment, and sent a blank email to just myself. This seems to have corrected the issue.
I owe you a drink, emeness! I've been fighting with this problem for over a week now, no one was able to help, and the message didn't show up in my outbox because I had used script to delete it in my applications/utilities. The script deleted it from the outbox, but didn't remove it from the cycle of continuing to try sending. Mac support was no help (they don't DO MS Office for Mac) and getting MS Support was next to worthless because they don't support Office 2011 for Mac. BUT, I found it in the trash file and was able to delete the attachment and it appears to have stopped sending. Thank you so much--much more effective than throwing the macbook pro through the window, which was the next step.
[doublepost=1492800245][/doublepost]I thought my reply to you, emeness, had gone through, but possibly not. I'm a definite newbie, but I owe you a drink (or something!) for solving a problem that's been driving me nuts for a week. Deleted the attachment in trash and the blasted message is finally gone. I had no idea that when I used script to delete the message from the Outlook outbox (applications/utilities/script) that it would go into trash and continue sending like a zombie message. It's gone, finally, and I can get back to work. Thank you!