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macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 18, 2016
Welcome to our P52! This project is designed to get you out with your camera once a week in a meaningful way. Each week I will post a prompt for you to consider. The prompts are merely suggestions, and you are free to shoot off topic if you wish. All images posted must be taken by you, be safe for work, and be taken with this project in mind. Please do not post archive photos. For a further discussion of the guidelines, please refer to this thread, and you can find the previous weeks linked there if you missed them. Feel free to join in at any time of the year, and you may go back to missed weeks if you still wish to participate.

Week 40: Outdoors


Friends, we are fully through three-quarters of this project! That’s amazing!!

This week is another variation on a repeated theme, Outdoors. Should be pretty easy and hopefully most of you are seeing the beginnings of fall colors now. Please note, this is not inherently a nature challenge; urban, beach, front porch…anything outside is welcomed this week.






macrumors 68030
Aug 2, 2009
Thanks , but credit for seeing the colors goes to 2 ladies who were intent on capturing the moment as I walked vacantly by in the opposite direction . Just turned around to see what they were looking at and there it was. Both pix were taken on the Jessup Trail at Sieur du Monts in Acadia N.P. .
Fall color was not at peak , plus the day became overcast (and later foggy ). There was just a moment of sun poking its' way in that lit up that bunch of trees .
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