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macrumors 68040
Jun 9, 2015
If i cant be home that day (and I’ve actually called in sick on iPhone launch day before) i have it held for me at a UPS or fedex center and just pick it up in the morning. You end up getting it faster too since they don’t even have to put it on the truck. They just unload your iPhone, set it aside and wait for you to pick it up. My ups usually delivers to my house in the afternoon. If i pick up, i can get it at 9am


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2014
I would like to know the process myself too
Go to the UPS website and sign up for the UPS MyChoice account. It’s free and it notifies you whenever a package is headed to your address. Once you have been notified that your package is coming you can log into your MyChoice account and edit your delivery options.


macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2015
You have to issue the 'hold for pickup' before the phone passes through the CC nearest you and be able to pick up from there.

If you chose another destination such as a UPS store or etc it will take another 24 hours to process
I haven’t tried this with the iPhone, but with other items, I’ve always been able to change my delivery to a UPS store and it never affected the delivery time.


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2009
Go to the UPS website and sign up for the UPS MyChoice account. It’s free and it notifies you whenever a package is headed to your address. Once you have been notified that your package is coming you can log into your MyChoice account and edit your delivery options.

Great advice. I've been doing the same for two or three years now.
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macrumors 65816
May 2, 2015
I was able to take work off on November 3 so I will be here all day for my package to be delivered. I think my biggest concern at this point is if they never knock or ring the doorbell and just leave an attempted delivery tag on my door. They have done that a few times to me. Very frustrating.

On Nov 3rd take your small couch/chair outside your door, keep some food, use current iphone/ipad etc. Enjoy the nature, i am really serious. You know i know my UPS driver for very longtime, we do texting back and forth. On iPhone 7 Plus launch day he told me where he is and i went to his truck and picked up. He was nearby in my area. But for you i am serious stay out if`you don’t know your driver. It must only be few hours, if missed then you will need to wait till Monday.
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macrumors G4
Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
So you stayed up all night waiting for that clock to strike midnight to hit that pre-order button, youve gotten your email confirmation and text from your carrier solidifying your spot for a Nov 3rd delivery date.

Phew!! All is good, or is it? If you aren't going to be home to receive your package I highly suggest you opt to pick up your package from UPS because too often, especially lately, people are following UPS delivery trucks around to snag packages. So do yourself a favor, have it mandatory for you to sign for your phone on delivery date or pick it up if you aren't going to be home because one of the worst feelings will be coming home to a "delivered" notification to find your phone is MIA.

Apple requires a signature (or a signed release) for delivery of all iPhones and most other 'big ticket' item. Also, even with a signed release, leaving the package at the door is done at the discretion of the driver.


macrumors 68030
Nov 7, 2010
Go to the UPS website and sign up for the UPS MyChoice account. It’s free and it notifies you whenever a package is headed to your address. Once you have been notified that your package is coming you can log into your MyChoice account and edit your delivery options.
Is there any way to do this without signing up for an account?


macrumors G4
Jul 3, 2011
Happy Jack, AZ
I haven’t tried this with the iPhone, but with other items, I’ve always been able to change my delivery to a UPS store and it never affected the delivery time.

Having the package rerouted to a UPS store will usually add one business day to the delivery date. Having the package held at the Customer Center/hub does not normally affect the 'delivery' date.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 1, 2012
Someone in your house hold has to sign for it...BUT

When i got my iPhone 6+ delivered a few years ago, I was at work and got the notificated DELIVERED & SIGNED FOR.

I called home to thank my mom for being at my house to sign for it, but she said no one came and delivered it, even though it said online someone signed her name.

When I got home I did some more reasearch and realized I live at 1234 FAKE ST and around the corner there is a 1234 FAKER ST. It got delivered to the same house number, but wrong address right down the road where the street name changes. Very confusing for delivery drivers. Even a paramedic came to the wrong address.

Had to get the cops involved to go to their house to retrieve my phone since she wouldn't answer the door for me to question if my suspicion was correct. It was. Cop retrieved me phone but did not do anything to the other person even though she forged my mom's name.

Weird experience.


macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2015
Having the package rerouted to a UPS store will usually add one business day to the delivery date. Having the package held at the Customer Center/hub does not normally affect the 'delivery' date.
As long as you change the delivery right away, I’ve never had that happen and I change to a UPS store a lot.


macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2014
London UK
Oh boy!! I always have all things :apple: delivered to work so I know precisely when they arrive at the building. Although I don’t necessarily sign for them but I pick up after the delivery notification or get a call from the Post room.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2012
So if I understand correctly Apple requires to sign the package. But it is up to the drivers discretion whether or not to leave the package at the door if no one answers the door (no one signs). Correct? If so, that's sounds pretty weird to me lol.
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