After following the "Have any 11/17-11/24 shipments been bumped?" thread since it was created, it has been apparent that IUP orders have been getting priority over most/all other methods of payments, or so it seems at the very least.
The thread is now being dominated by UPS shipment status updates... Thought we can move the original dialogue here...
My info:
Time of Order Completed: 3:06 AM
Phone: iPhone X Silver 256 GB
Vendor: Apple Website
Method of Payment: Paid in Full/Outright
LOL - IUP STAY OUT please!
The thread is now being dominated by UPS shipment status updates... Thought we can move the original dialogue here...
My info:
Time of Order Completed: 3:06 AM
Phone: iPhone X Silver 256 GB
Vendor: Apple Website
Method of Payment: Paid in Full/Outright
LOL - IUP STAY OUT please!