New panel info from C&T Magazine iMac Review
Hi all, there is a decent review of the 2009 iMacs in the April issue of the German magazine C&T (
Computer & Technik). They had this to say about the panels (translations are mine):
20" panel: TN panel, somewhat reduced viewing angles compared to 24" panel, shows vibrant colors; contrast ratio: 897:1; minimum...maximum brightness: 53...313 cd/m2; response time: 22.6 ms (averaged)
24" panel:IPS panel, stable viewing angles, pleasant colour gamut; contrast ratio: 762:1; minimum...maximum brightness: 215...380 cd/m2; response time: 21.1 ms (averaged)
Here comes the interesting part - Power consumption comparisons:
20" model
power off: 0.7 W
standby: 1.3 W
idling at 100 cd/m2 brightness: 45,6 W
idling at max. brightness: 62.2 W
24" model
power off: 1.0W
standby: 1.7 W
idling at *215 cd/m2 brightness: 82.2 W
idling at max. brightness: 107.3 W
*Quote: "A considerable portion of the 82.2 W consumption is attributed to the display, as brightness cannot be lowered to below 215 cd/m2."
Here's the link to the online version of the article just to cite my sources. Keep in mind, the full article needs to be purchased, and it's in German. It does have a good table with
CPU and GPU benchmarks though.