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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
Hi! I was going to ask can I enable without jailbreak the disabled panorama wallpaper feature iOS7 you know that lets you spin your panorama image while it is your wallpaper(I know it was cut out in iOS7 beta 5 but can I reenable it?


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
The feature isn't available. You might be able to do it with a jailbreak, but otherwise it's not there currently.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
Can I downgrade to ios 7 beta 4 or 5 without registering UDID? And will it be the same as the official ios7? Will all the apps that require ios7.0 or above be compatible? And will it go smoothly like the official one or with many bugs and crashes? Please answer these and if downgrading can't help I may consider jailbreaking an option-but I just don't want to jailbreak for now. It will leave my ipid vulnerable to viruses. Please tell me that the downgrade is good and I can do it-or at least I hope it will be so:).


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Can I downgrade to ios 7 beta 4 or 5 without registering UDID? And will it be the same as the official ios7? Will all the apps that require ios7.0 or above be compatible? And will it go smoothly like the official one or with many bugs and crashes? Please answer these and if downgrading can't help I may consider jailbreaking an option-but I just don't want to jailbreak for now. It will leave my ipid vulnerable to viruses. Please tell me that the downgrade is good and I can do it-or at least I hope it will be so:).
You can't downgrade to 7.0 betas as they all expired by now and 7.0 itself isn't even being signed anymore (7.0.4 is). They certainly wouldn't be exactly the same as what's in the official 7.0 as they were betas and didn't have everything that's in the final version.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
Ok thank you for the reply! Well last question: Is there any jaibreak that doesn't remove the security layer made by Apple to secure their devices and in the same time is unthethered( Viruses can't get into your ipod and you don't have to put in dfu mode every time you restart)?


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Ok thank you for the reply! Well last question: Is there any jaibreak that doesn't remove the security layer made by Apple to secure their devices and in the same time is unthethered( Viruses can't get into your ipod and you don't have to put in dfu mode every time you restart)?

There's only one jailbreak for iOS 7, and that's Evasi0n.

Beyond that, that's what a jailbreak is, root access to your device. In that regard, you can install just about anything. You'd just need to use discretion in terms of what you install. Do your research and you should be fine.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
Ok but it won't slow down my ipod touch 5g will it? And thanks for the helpful replies but I may jailbreak if the answer to this question is no:)


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Ok but it won't slow down my ipod touch 5g will it? And thanks for the helpful replies but I may jailbreak if the answer to this question is no:)

It's the tweaks people install that slow down the device, not the jailbreak itself.

And no, it's not possible to enable it without jailbreaking at this time.

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
I never will understand why it was taken out. Almost as much as I can't understand why they would take out the dark keyboard:mad: losing the dark keyboard before I ever got it has now turned to rage:mad:


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
Well,OK I think I will jailbreak. But if I install about 5 tweaks max will my device work much slowly than without the jailbreak? And last question before I jailbreak Will it enable people to hack in my iphone easily?


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Well,OK I think I will jailbreak. But if I install about 5 tweaks max will my device work much slowly than without the jailbreak? And last question before I jailbreak Will it enable people to hack in my iphone easily?

1) Depends on the tweaks. If they are coded properly (as most popular tweaks by respected devs are) then no, your phone should not run run any more slowly.

2) No, not without direct access to your phone, and even then, they'd really have to know what they're doing. Just be smart in terms of what you download, and you who let have access to your phone.

You should be absolutely fine.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 27, 2014
Ok guys thanks for the useful info. Now I had jailbreak for a long time and I removed it cause I don't know I just had enough. It was nice it didn't slow my device and now I unjailbroke. Sorry for not answering so much time but yeah,thanks for the useful info you sent me. Oh,and by the way I did use the panorama lock screen feature. Well it wasn't the same as on the betas but it was fine. Let's hope Apple brings it back on the ios 7.1 betas and eventually on the public release.
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