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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 3, 2010
I love my 5 year old son very much, but these words are causing great strife in our relationship. It used to be "Papa, I want your iphone," and my response would be "sure" while I picked up my Macbook. Trading my iPad for my Macbook isn't as easy to do. Buying an iPad for a 5 year old seems kind of ridiculous, even more so when I think of the poor bastards in Europe that can't even get their hands on one. But, I'm running out of options here. Anyone having similar "family issues?" Any counseling would be appreciated.
I would say "as if! Get your own sponger. I feed you, cloth you, put a roof over your head. Stop looking at my iPad and start earning that $100k that you owe me"
I would say "as if! Get your own sponger. I feed you, cloth you, put a roof over your head. Stop looking at my iPad and start earning that $100k that you owe me"


Has he paid his rent yet this month?

On a more serious note, maybe if the price was a bit lower it would be a good idea. My kids have had access to computers since they were toddlers. They are definitely very tech savvy and I think it has been good for them. They are able to multitask and process information much more quickly than I can. I think the iPad is a great tool for learning. There are lots of great iphone learning games, I'm sure the iPad versions can't be far behind.
I love my 5 year old son very much, but these words are causing great strife in our relationship. It used to be "Papa, I want your iphone," and my response would be "sure" while I picked up my Macbook. Trading my iPad for my Macbook isn't as easy to do. Buying an iPad for a 5 year old seems kind of ridiculous, even more so when I think of the poor bastards in Europe that can't even get their hands on one. But, I'm running out of options here. Anyone having similar "family issues?" Any counseling would be appreciated.

I gave the following advice to a friend at work whose son wanted his first cell phone. My friend said he didn't think he'd be responsible enough for it. I casually mentioned that he said he had a lot of yardwork to do, so why not buy a tracfone for the kid and he can earn minutes by doing yardwork. If he loses the $20 tracfone, he isn't ready. If he can manage the phone, then they could talk about a "better" phone and more minutes. Perhaps you could use the iPad in a similar way. If your son keeps his room picked up, shares his toys, eats his vegetables, is nice to his siblings, etc., he can earn time with the iPad. You may be without it, but you may get him to do his "chores".
I wouldn't give it to him he might brake it, print out one of those templates an make him a paper one
When I came home with my iPad, my 4 year old gave my wife the iPod touch and said " I don't want small iPod. I want big iPod like daddy"
Give it to him. If money is not an issue. The pad could be an excellent learning tool for a 5 year old. The possibles are endless and could potentially be a huge benefit to your son and yourself.
Well, pops may have to score himself a 3G version when they come out, and Jr. will have to get by with the 32g wifi. ;)
When you start spoiling with expensive items at that age as they grow they want more. They actually expect it and will not take no for an answer. You may be opening a can of worms that you will regret. Children need to learn the value of money and what it takes to earn it. Just because they want something does not mean you have to give it. They will learn to control you. I'm sure you love your child but love should not be a motivation to give, give, give. Don't buy their love with things or they may eventually resent you. I've seen it happen a number of times.
tell that lazy ass that nothing is free and if he doesn't have a job by 6 he's out of the house
If the iPad works out and the kids like it (I have 4 of them ages 7-15) I will get them each their own. 3 of them already have iPhones.

Yes, I even trust my 7 year old and they are all good solid kids. (yea, don't all parents say that?)
Hmmm....5 year old with an iPad. It might be a good learning tool. I agree. I just hope that he doesn't turn into the 16 year old driving the new bimmer to school. Oh god.....the world in general does not need that.

I need 10 min to cool down after thinking about the spoiled brats driving around in their sweet 16 luxury vehicle gift. The humanity.

Ok cooled down, carry on.
I have the same problem with my 3 year old. I can't use it around her or she throws a fit until I give it to her. She enjoys some some of the kids and painting apps. As soon as the 3G is out the kids will get the wifi and I will get a new one.
I don't think buying an iPad for a 5yr old is ridiculous. At least I hope not. I got 1 for my son and he is 5. We sold his laptop and his iPhone (used for games) to get it. I think it was a great trade-off. He has a lot of interactive books, drawing apps, instrument apps, and some games. The iPad is the perfect tool for learning and play for him.
funkeruski said:
I love my 5 year old son very much, but these words are causing great strife in our relationship. It used to be "Papa, I want your iphone," and my response would be "sure" while I picked up my Macbook. Trading my iPad for my Macbook isn't as easy to do. Buying an iPad for a 5 year old seems kind of ridiculous, even more so when I think of the poor bastards in Europe that can't even get their hands on one. But, I'm running out of options here. Anyone having similar "family issues?" Any counseling would be appreciated.

Your child needs to know the meaning of "No". If you don't want to simply put your foot down, then make sure you let your son know that he is NOT receiving it just because he begged for it. He needs to know that he doesn't have that control over you otherwise he will turn into a spoiled child. That would really create a larger problem down the road wouldn't it?

Weigh your options and do the best thing for your family as a whole not just your son.
When I hold my ipad, it feels like i'm holding a piece of glass. I can't even imagine a 5 YO trying to lug that thing around the house. to each his own tho.
I don't have my 3G yet, but my 8 year old and I have ventured to Best Buy to "play" with theirs. He has already said that he would like to "trade-in" his iPod Touch for an iPad. If I ever do get him one, he would have to pay at least half of the device and probably pay for the entire 3G service since I would get him a 3G version. He has an 8GB Touch so a 16GB iPad should be enough for him.
I love my 5 year old son very much, but these words are causing great strife in our relationship. It used to be "Papa, I want your iphone," and my response would be "sure" while I picked up my Macbook. Trading my iPad for my Macbook isn't as easy to do. Buying an iPad for a 5 year old seems kind of ridiculous, even more so when I think of the poor bastards in Europe that can't even get their hands on one. But, I'm running out of options here. Anyone having similar "family issues?" Any counseling would be appreciated.

Dude, your kids call you "Papa?"

This is coming from a 15 year old, a different perspective for you I guess. When I was 5 the only thing I remember is my hot wheels tracks and my skates :D. My parents taught me that they would get me anything within reasonable price if I really earned it. That way I asked myself each time if we could afford it, if I was doing good in school, and whether or not I'd really use it. That's helped me so much now.

As for the iPad, please for goodness sake don't get your 5 year old one. I know you must love him a lot, but that doesn't mean he can't use yours. For example, the iPad I ordered (paid for half, other half paid for by parents) is also used by my mom and sister quite a lot. Doesnt mean we need to get two more.
I had a similar dilemma with my 4 and 5 year olds with my iPhone. They were constantly asking to use it, especially after I loaded a bunch of free or inexpensive kid friendly apps--was a great tool for learning to read, math, puzzles, and problem solving. It actually turned out to be a great tool for wrapping up potty training for my son--a reward that finally was worthwhile in his eyes :). An unfortunate episode of the drops which led to a slightly damp iPhone (phone survived but there goes the warrantly :rolleyes:) convinced me to pick up a pair of refurb last gen iPod Touch that Santa brought for Christmas. And while I hesitated, thinking this was spoiling them a bit too much, turns out to have been a great purchase. They generally lose interest in most of their other 'toys' after a while but they both have been using the iPods nonstop for the last 4 months. My nephew got a DS at the same time and now only occasionally shows interest in it. As a bonus, I no longer have to cart along the portable DVD player and endure the guaranteed arguments over what they each want to watch. Last plane flight was the most peaceful we've had yet.

Unfortunately, they both are now fascinated with my iPad ("Daddy's Big iPod"). I think I'm going to wait a while to make sure they are responsible enough caring for their iPods before deciding to spring for an iPad for them.

My advice would be to start him out with a Touch and see how it goes. But I also agree with other's advice. Use it as an opportunity to teach the value of such things--give him the opportunity to earn it. My kids didn't ask for their iPods (thankfully) and as they both love using them, I limit the time they get to use it, letting them earn time with them (doing small household tasks, good behavior, doing "homework", etc). Just my $0.02.
My 4 year old is playing my wife's iphone and my ipod touch all the time. There are actually some very educational games available, aside from his favorites of 'Plants vs. Zombies' and 'Megaman 2'.

He now also begs to go to the local Apple store to play with the iPads. I'm in a dilemma, as I really don't want him to use my new 3G iPad when it arrives. My iPod Touch will sometimes come back in need of a good screen cleaning. He must pick his nose or put his fingers in his mouth and then touch the screen while playing. Grosses me out from time to time, and I don't want that on the new iPad.

He may inherit my iPod touch, or I'm going to send him in the other direction with a Nintendo DSi. Games are a bit expensive though. Still deciding on which way to go.
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