Not more than a day remaining until Leopard is on sale... so here are some questions I hope someone has some insight into...
Current setup to run Windows on my MBP: I used to use the beta of Boot Camp, got rid of that, and now am running WinXP in Parallels 2.5.
I plan to Erase and Install Leopard tomorrow after buying it at the store in Tysons.
What will be the best way to run Windows in Leopard? Should I put Parallels 2.5 back on my MBP? Should I upgrade to Parallels 3? Should I instead get VMWare Fusion? Or perhaps going back to Boot Camp is in order (even though I don't want to reboot to use the occasional Windows app)?
What do you think?
Thanks in advance!
(hehe, saying "Question" earlier made me feel a bit like Dwight from The Office, but that's off topic... )
Current setup to run Windows on my MBP: I used to use the beta of Boot Camp, got rid of that, and now am running WinXP in Parallels 2.5.
I plan to Erase and Install Leopard tomorrow after buying it at the store in Tysons.
What will be the best way to run Windows in Leopard? Should I put Parallels 2.5 back on my MBP? Should I upgrade to Parallels 3? Should I instead get VMWare Fusion? Or perhaps going back to Boot Camp is in order (even though I don't want to reboot to use the occasional Windows app)?
What do you think?
Thanks in advance!
(hehe, saying "Question" earlier made me feel a bit like Dwight from The Office, but that's off topic... )