Thx for the correction. So you can make ONE 4K60 work. HDMI port is 1.4 and the two other ports are DVI.
So close. If I hadn't committed to three gorgeous LG UD2768P-B 4K screens (even though I'm only driving them at 3008x1692) capable of only DisplayPort or HDMI input, along with my three 1440p array, I might've tried to build an acceptable all-1440p array instead ( I certainly could've dealt with the loss of real estate, but, boy, I love the information density and reading comfort). The absolute deal-breaker though, is running anything below 60Hz.
The good news is it is all solved with money. I just have to decide whether spending it to get to Mojave and beyond, or keeping it and living with High Sierra, is either worth it or that I simply have no choice if I can't find a better solution than Mojave in a VM on top of HS.
Thanks everyone.