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I'm at this point where I just don't care anymore about the debate. When people ask me whats so good about the Mac, I just tell them its because I like using them. I'm really sick and tired of trying to convince people on what system they should use. Really, if they want to continue spending hours on end maintaining their windows systems or worse, rebuilding it after a serious crash/virus infection/spyware/malware problem then go ahead. For me, windows is only good for one thing and that is to play games! Thats it for me. If I have a windows system, it'll sit in one corner for me to play the odd game or two which might strike my fancy at the moment.

And @Clevin: Dude, you contradict yourself when you blast OSX for not having as much freeware as Windows/Linux and saying its a "closed platform" while saying repeatedly that OSX is based of FreeBSD (which is a flavour of UNIX and not UNIX itself) and is Open Source like your much beloved Linux. I mean, wha....? o_0

I'm still waiting for my MBP to arrive. It should be here in the next few days and I'm gonna so enjoy OSX and its stability/ease of use. I'm not saying that windows is a bad OS. Its just that for me to get the same kind of stability as OSX I have to do so much more. I have to be wary of what programs I download, of which sites I go to etc etc. To the vast majority of people on this forum, you know how to maintain you windows PC's and thats fine. But I have tons of friends who are just that clueless when it comes to computers and IT. So to them, I think they'd be better off on macs. But thats just me.

Well, here's to hoping my MBP won't have any hardware issues(God, Apple's QC has to be a wee bit better) so that I'll be a happy camper :)
I found the best thing for me is to have both. I do all the important things on my mac and play games on my PC, works great for me.
I'm just annoyed that my macbook is having so many problems and i am helpless to fix it. I know i'd be the same with any other laptop. However i wouldn't be able to fix an iMac either, whereas i could fix a pc and so i'm strongly considering a PC instead of the iMac i was going to buy.
TBi said:
I'm just annoyed that my macbook is having so many problems and i am helpless to fix it. I know i'd be the same with any other laptop. However i wouldn't be able to fix an iMac either, whereas i could fix a pc and so i'm strongly considering a PC instead of the iMac i was going to buy.

Just be grateful you don't have to decide which version of Vista to buy, and that the service you receive from Apple in helping to repair your Mac by all accounts is superior to most of the support PC manufacturers supply.:)
a456 said:
Just be grateful you don't have to decide which version of Vista to buy, and that the service you receive from Apple in helping to repair your Mac by all accounts is superior to most of the support PC manufacturers supply.:)

Do you have to buy Windows Vista? Here's a heads up for you, the "average" PC user does not care about Windows, it is something that just comes preinstalled as standard.
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