was in there today, just bored and playing with some games on their ipads before i bought them myself, over comes mr smarmy salesman...
i say im ok thanks so he moves onto the next victim, a couple buying an ipad for their son probably aged around 11-12 the young lad was so desperate for an ipad he'd agree to anything!
they want a 16gb one so the chap is pushing them toward the 32gb or 64gb.... fair enough id always say get as much storage as possible!
but i think they were out of stock of those so the mum asks him if they could upgrade the memory themselves in the future to which the chap says, "yeah, apple will probably release a chip to put in it" the boy asks if it has a webcam and can make calls to which "yeah apple will probably add that soon"....
i mean this is a joke, theres pushing a sale and down right lying to people..... knowing full well this poor little chap wants it so much theyll sucker into anything!!
also he pushed and pushed and pushed apple care, repeatedly saying if he drops it and smashes screen they'll replace it..... thats not right is it??? i thought no apple care covers accidental damage???
their a disgrace IMO
rant over
i say im ok thanks so he moves onto the next victim, a couple buying an ipad for their son probably aged around 11-12 the young lad was so desperate for an ipad he'd agree to anything!
they want a 16gb one so the chap is pushing them toward the 32gb or 64gb.... fair enough id always say get as much storage as possible!
but i think they were out of stock of those so the mum asks him if they could upgrade the memory themselves in the future to which the chap says, "yeah, apple will probably release a chip to put in it" the boy asks if it has a webcam and can make calls to which "yeah apple will probably add that soon"....
i mean this is a joke, theres pushing a sale and down right lying to people..... knowing full well this poor little chap wants it so much theyll sucker into anything!!
also he pushed and pushed and pushed apple care, repeatedly saying if he drops it and smashes screen they'll replace it..... thats not right is it??? i thought no apple care covers accidental damage???
their a disgrace IMO
rant over