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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 20, 2009
a small village near London
was in there today, just bored and playing with some games on their ipads before i bought them myself, over comes mr smarmy salesman...

i say im ok thanks so he moves onto the next victim, a couple buying an ipad for their son probably aged around 11-12 the young lad was so desperate for an ipad he'd agree to anything!

they want a 16gb one so the chap is pushing them toward the 32gb or 64gb.... fair enough id always say get as much storage as possible!

but i think they were out of stock of those so the mum asks him if they could upgrade the memory themselves in the future to which the chap says, "yeah, apple will probably release a chip to put in it" the boy asks if it has a webcam and can make calls to which "yeah apple will probably add that soon"....

i mean this is a joke, theres pushing a sale and down right lying to people..... knowing full well this poor little chap wants it so much theyll sucker into anything!!

also he pushed and pushed and pushed apple care, repeatedly saying if he drops it and smashes screen they'll replace it..... thats not right is it??? i thought no apple care covers accidental damage???

their a disgrace IMO

rant over
If I was you I would have had a quiet word either with a Manager, or to the couple after the salesman has walked away. Disgraceful, especially the part about Applecare!
to be honest i took the dad aside and said i believed that they didnt offer accidental damage, and also that you wouldnt be able to upgrade the memory, but i had this poor young chap glaring lovingly at it and i didnt want to ruin it for him :(

their such losers..... dunno how people can lie about things like that.....

as i was walking off another member was giving another couple the old "drop it and have it replaced" malarky!!!!!

makes me angry that people are being mugged out of £85 for a product which wont do what they expect

i may camp out at the stand actually and correct them everytime they lie

dixons stores group mate
I cant believe apple sell their stuff with these idiots. Customer service is more important than the product IMO (in other words, you can make an awesome product, then blow it with bad customer service).

And I can pretty much guarantee they weren't trying to sell AppleCare, they were selling some sort of PC World cover rubbish.

DSGi is actually a disgrace. I just hate it.
"Can I download things like pdfs to the iPad?" asked a customer.

"No, that's not possible," came the shop assistant's reply.

"Is there a word processor I can install to take notes?" was another question.

"Only one, called Pages," was the answer.

That was at Fnac, in Madrid. No wonder few understand the point of this device.
trust me, it was apple care, he was carrying the box and showing him it, 100% applecare.....

apple must offer them an incentive for it or something :rolleyes:

i wonder if theres someone you could email about this, conning people out of money is a joke!!!!!

get steve jobs to personally reprimand them????? they wouldnt even know who he is :rolleyes:
Can't believe DSG have a 60 day period before iPad is in decent stores like John Lewis.
I'm surprised by the surprise.... PC World are a stack it high sell it cheap retailer... They pay v low wages and you cannot be surprised they know little / nothing about what they are selling. They are also targeted so no great surprise a low paid targeted staff member talked some ***** to make a sale.

I don't remember the last time I went to PC World and I don't plan a trip anytime soon!

My local one isn't actually that bad at all, I went in there the other day to try out the iPad for an hour and no one asked me to move at all, and there is an Apple specialist at my store as well who answers questions. A couple of the PC World staff were a tad pushy to sell the iPads by saying stuff like they truly are a replacement for computers etc but this is to be expected I suppose.
Part of me thinks that anyone stupid enough to go to PC World to buy an Apple product deserves everything they get (or rather, don't get).
remember seamaster though that the average public dont use forums like this and dont hear the horror stories! so to them, thats the place to buy the ipad.....

also id say noone deserves to be lied out of £85
remember seamaster though that the average public dont use forums like this and dont hear the horror stories! so to them, thats the place to buy the ipad.....

also id say noone deserves to be lied out of £85

Why didn't you step in and tell the family that it doesn't cover accidental damage then? :rolleyes:
remember seamaster though that the average public dont use forums like this and dont hear the horror stories! so to them, thats the place to buy the ipad.....

also id say noone deserves to be lied out of £85

Good point, you can't expect the sales guys to know the ins and outs of the thousands of products in a PC world.

That said, they should admit their lack of knowledge, rather than just giving the customer the answer they want so they get a sale.
Can't believe DSG have a 60 day period before iPad is in decent stores like John Lewis.

I liek John Lewis, they have great customer service, and also offer free extended warranty, eg buy a Mac and they give 2 years warranty wth it instead of 3.

PC World is a decent shop to buy stuff, but as people say the staff are a joke, know nothing. My local one does have a Apple specialist in it, not sure if he's Apple trained or not though.

I would rather NOT buy my iPad from PCWorld, but some people have no choice.

Is John Lewis and other stockists going to be able to sell after the 60 days from the 28th May? so JL may get them in by end of July, availability dependant?

If so I might wait till then, and see if they give a 2 year warranty with it
People generally do not hear stuff that they don't want to hear, especially when they want something. How much homework do you do before spending £429+ ? An education costs and probably Applecare is a nice to have even if it is not quite as sold.
I have to say i had a very different experience.

Our local pcworld has an apple section, staffed by apple trained employees, who were quite knowledgable, and honest about the device when people asked about it.

He did the usual "are you ok?" routine when I came within a 20 mile radius, but after a general chit chat about how they were selling, I realised he's only doing his job, and doing it quite well at that.

Don't get me wrong though, pcworld and the entire dsgi group are nothing more than a bunch of cowboys, and I cannot wait for best buy to up the momentum in the Uk and sink that ship once and for all.
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