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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Illuminating the darkness:

Bright Lights Trying to Restore Light to Us.jpg

Captain Trips

macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2020
This is an awesome thread idea. Hopefully it keeps going because there's nothing stopping this from going on forever. Mayhaps someday I will find a good photo to jump into this with
Agreed. Someone (I think @stillcrazyman ) mentioned that a similar discussion / thread over at a Nikon forum has been going on for years.
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Darmok N Jalad

macrumors 603
Sep 26, 2017
Tanagra (not really)
Started on June 7th, 2014, currently on post 20,609, We have a long way to go!

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Took me a while to find this one, as I knew I had at least one or two shots of the gazebo at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, but had to rummage through my archival files and although I had labeled the main folder I had not labeled this image. Taken a LONG time ago!!! My timing was accidental, I was just intending to shoot the gazebo and hadn't expected to see this romantic couple having their photo taken, too!

_DSC5065 - Version 2.jpg

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Started on June 7th, 2014, currently on post 20,609, We have a long way to go!

I just checked at Nikon Cafe and their Association game began on May 26,2008. The guy who began it had seen the idea at another forum....

"I saw this idea on another forum, and thought it was neat. The idea is to post an image of yours that has at least one thing in common (or similar) with the previous image posted, (subject, color, expression, mood, shape, angle, setting, anything at all) and briefly mention how its related (if you want to) so be creative!

They are now at Part X, having run the game all these years!
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