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The Colonial Totem by Andrew Priest, on Flickr

‘The Colonial Totem is drawn from hand tools used early in the forest clearing.

These tools represent human endeavour and courage in the colonising of Western Australia. The Colonial Totem is a historical window of attached meanings.’ – Interpretative sign at the art installation, Swarbrick, which is part of the Walpole Wilderness Discovery Centre.

Artists: Lorenna Grant and Alan Clark

Fremantle Rail Bridge Protection - Underwater Rock Mound {0817 01} by Andrew Priest, on Flickr

TAMS is working on constructing an underwater rock mound to protect the Fremantle rail bridge. The works include the installation of 14,500 tons of limestone and armour rock to form an underwater rock mound designed to prevent vessels from colliding with the bridge.

This photo captures the dredge, Total Support and its mounted Hitachi EX1100 excavator, placing rocks into the mound. I was quite intrigued by this work as there was no obvious way the operator could see how the rock placement was going.
Ok, the

Fremantle Rail Bridge Protection - Underwater Rock Mound {0817 01} by Andrew Priest, on Flickr

TAMS is working on constructing an underwater rock mound to protect the Fremantle rail bridge. The works include the installation of 14,500 tons of limestone and armour rock to form an underwater rock mound designed to prevent vessels from colliding with the bridge.

This photo captures the dredge, Total Support and its mounted Hitachi EX1100 excavator, placing rocks into the mound. I was quite intrigued by this work as there was no obvious way the operator could see how the rock placement was going.
OK so if the theme is now dredging for rocks. Here is a picture of a big kidney stone I passed (ouch!)

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