They're even common and considered pests in Kansas (trust me, the guy who owns the zoo I work at, a lover of all animals, pretty much hates them), but that is a great shot. The lighting is just about as perfect as you're going to get in a shot like that, and you've managed to bring a great level of clarity to the face without it feeling washed out. Contrast is so tricky with these guys.
He was running away from my wife because she had caught him eating the salad she had put out for our tortoises. He looks like he's having a go at the dandelion but he is actually eating lettuce. He's weird.
Hummingbird (9476) by MCH-1138, on Flickr
D7000 Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 45mm 1/250 @ f/11 3 Speedlights
Mine for today is my very naughty dog looking all innocent.
Aww this dog is gorgeous! What breed is it?
He's a Douchehound at timesHe is a rescue dog so we can't be sure what he is really. We did a DNA test on him and it came back saying that his parents were a mix of Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Weimaraner and Rhodesian Ridgeback. So he's a Daschbackcockeramer. Which I like the sound of
He's a lovely little dog when he's not being a typical naughty puppy and we're really glad to have him in our lives. He only has one eye and was dumped in a cardboard box in a car park in a really bad state.
Oh that's disgusting how people treat these animals - our previous dog (a lurcher girl) was found tied up and terrified in a phone box.
Sam is a rescue too but not ill treated as he came from a home where the marriage broke up and they couldn't keep him.
I'm so glad your boy has a good home now and I'm sure you forgive the occasional naughty spell as we do.
Douchehound FTW!!!
edit : Dreamy pic! Nice!!
He's a Douchehound at timesHe is a rescue dog so we can't be sure what he is really. We did a DNA test on him and it came back saying that his parents were a mix of Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Weimaraner and Rhodesian Ridgeback. So he's a Daschbackcockeramer. Which I like the sound of
While we're on the subject...this is our boy "Jake" (a rescue as well) doing what he absolutely loves to do. I wish I had his energy.
Has Mrs MacRy done a Daschbackcockeramer knitted hat? could be a big winner!
Beautiful colours and DoF.
More tree blossom from me. I feel like I need a rescue dog to fully participate in this thread though. Good on you guys for giving a mistreated dog a good home.
[url=]Image[/url]20140405-_DSC1365 by apple fanboy1, on Flickr
There are plenty out there that need a good home.
Yes but sadly not mine. My autistic daughter wouldn't cope with a pet dog.
Probably not the best idea in that case. You can live vicariously through ours and be happy in the knowledge that your daughter isn't hanging off of your shoe by her teeth as you try and type things on your tablet.....
Sounds like a great photo opportunity!