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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 30, 2007
NSW, Australia.
G'day crew,

As many of you know, MacRumors recently underwent some site-wide changes that modified the behaviour of quoting images.


Originally, images would appear in full size when quoted.
People in the photography forum were (as a majority) very well behaved in this regard, changing the IMG tags to TIMG tags. Unfortunately it seems this wasn't the case in other sub-forums.

With the recent changes, images now become a link - TIMGing has become a more involved task.
I'm sure you've noticed a significant drop in the number of TIMG'd quotes in POTD, and (IMO) this detracts from interactive nature of Photo of the Day and the Challenge, I know other members share this feeling.


To encourage the use of TIMGing, I've completed a browser extension called AutoTimg that converts your whole post to use TIMGs with the click of a single button.
(It's actually now a lot easier and faster than the original IMG->TIMG editing many of you were use to).


Currently AutoTimg available for Safari and Chrome, but a Firefox version is in the pipeline.

Safari Version 1.0 - Manual version - click to TIMG (For those who like the added control)
Safari Version 1.1 (Button removed, now TIMGs automatically)
Chrome Version - Thanks to mackmgg for the conversion!
Firefox Version 1.02 - Manual button only

If you're interested, the source code can be found here:


I have an experimental version for Safari only which restores the image width in the forums to 1024px.
As always no garuntees this actually works 100% of the time, but feel free to give it a try, you can always uninstall it if it's no good.

I have also attempted to fix the Flickr quoting issues present in previous versions of AutoTIMG.

Get it here:
Safari Version 2.0 (Experimental)


Installation is simple - download the plugin and double click it.
Safari will ask you if you want to install it, approve and the extension will be installed.

  1. Download AutoTIMG for Firefox from the above link.
  2. Drag the downloaded AutoTIMG.xpi file into a Firefox window. Wait a second or two, Firefox will ask you if you want to install it. Accept and restart Firefox.
  3. Important: Right click the toolbar > Customise Toolbar > Drag AutoTIMG to your toolbar.


When on the page where you enter your reply, simply press the "IMG" button up the top near your URL field and the links will be converted to TIMGs!
It also works when quoting multiple images.

Thanks to Phrasikleia, Dale and Ish for some intitial testing :)

Please reply if you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know what you think.

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This is an extremely slick bit of hacking. This is the easiest answer to the MR photo post dilemma that I have come across. The only foreseeable issues are the inevitable changes in browsers. It may need to be updated on a regular basis.

Now how about an AutoPost extension? Think it. Click it. Post it...:cool:

Nice work.

Nice Job! Thank you, The Reef!

It took me a few moments to figure out the instructions on how to use it, once I had it installed. I didn't see the "IMG" button immediately to the left of the URL, and didn't immediately understand that I needed to quote the reply as usual, and then push the "IMG" button before pushing "Submit Reply." But my brain is fried, so it might have been my own stupidity. Once I figured it all out, I realized just how slick it is.

Dale, you might need to update your instruction page! :)

Thanks, again, The Reef!
I just converted this to a chrome extension. It's slightly different that the Safari one because of the way Chrome handles extensions. With the Chrome one, the URLs are automatically turned into thumbnails, there's no button you have to press.

Ok, now it's up:

If anyone here thinks I should use a different icon, please suggest it. I'm not a designer :p

Edit: Now it's up here.
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Thanks for the comments all.

This is an extremely slick bit of hacking. This is the easiest answer to the MR photo post dilemma that I have come across. The only foreseeable issues are the inevitable changes in browsers. It may need to be updated on a regular basis.

Now how about an AutoPost extension? Think it. Click it. Post it...:cool:

Nice work.


I'm hoping major browser updates won't have too greater an effect here, but it's always something to keep an eye on.

I just converted this to a chrome extension. It's slightly different that the Safari one because of the way Chrome handles extensions. With the Chrome one, the URLs are automatically turned into thumbnails, there's no button you have to press.

Ok, now it's up:

If anyone here thinks I should use a different icon, please suggest it. I'm not a designer :p

Edit: Now it's up here.

Excellent! Thank you for the conversion :) Works great!
I'll update the first post in this thread.
I'll have a play and see if I can do away with the button in the Safari extension.

Just converted the Safari extension to button-less (so now it's automatic), will upload soon.
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Update: AutoTIMG 1.1 For Safari

Version 1.1 for Safari is now available.


  • Removed button - now automatically TIMGs when on the reply page.


Like before, download and double click the file.
It will overwrite the old version and the button will be removed.
I will mess with the new version tomorrow. Do I need to remove v1.0 first?

Mackmgg: Do I have permission to make your Chrome version public? The plan with TheReef is to add links to these extensions to the list of tutorials in the first post for POTD.

I will mess with the new version tomorrow. Do I need to remove v1.0 first?
Safari should install the new one over the old one, no need to remove it first.
Mackmgg: Do I have permission to make your Chrome version public? The plan with TheReef is to add links to these extensions to the list of tutorials in the first post for POTD.


Yeah sure. I'm not sure if the logo is infringing any of Arn's trademarks, but that's the best I can do.
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I have added Chrome to the long list of browsers sitting in my Dock and tested the Chrome version of the extension. Works like a charm.

I have sent a PM to Doctor Q regarding the use of the apple from the MR logo on the download page and will post his response when it comes back. No names were used to protect the innocent...

My only question at this point it that the manual version - TheReef's - original should remain available to users along with the automatic version. It has more flexibility in case you don't want to include an image thumbnail.

Great work from all involved in this project.

Hi. This is a draft of the addition to the "Welcome to POTD" post. I would like to add it to my manual TIMG PDF, but the Chrome link won't remain clickable in a PDF. Security settings, I think.

Questions or additions??

To automatically restore thumbnails to quotes, it is recommended that you download one of these extensions:

AutoTIMG Safari Edition (clickable menu button)

AutoTIMG Safari Edition (automatic)

AutoTIMG Chrome Edition (revised)

Post any comments HERE.

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Hi. This is a draft of the addition to the "Welcome to POTD" post. I would like to add it to my manual TIMG PDF, but the Chrome link won't remain clickable in a PDF. Security settings, I think.

Questions or additions??

To automatically restore thumbnails to quotes, it is recommended that you download one of these extensions:

AutoTIMG Safari Edition

AutoTIMG Chrome Edition
Post any comments HERE.


Reef and Dale, thanks for all of the effort and making the rest of our lives on DP so much easier. Great worK!
My only question at this point it that the manual version - TheReef's - original should remain available to users along with the automatic version. It has more flexibility in case you don't want to include an image thumbnail.

The old manual (click to TIMG) version of the Safari extension is still available. I shan't remove it for those users who like the added control.

Reef and Dale, thanks for all of the effort and making the rest of our lives on DP so much easier. Great worK!

Thanks! :)

Hi. This is a draft of the addition to the "Welcome to POTD" post. I would like to add it to my manual TIMG PDF, but the Chrome link won't remain clickable in a PDF. Security settings, I think.

Questions or additions??

To automatically restore thumbnails to quotes, it is recommended that you download one of these extensions:

AutoTIMG Safari Edition (clickable menu button)

AutoTIMG Safari Edition (automatic)

AutoTIMG Chrome Edition (revised)

Post any comments HERE.


Yep, looking good, thanks Dale :)
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Just wanted to say that I have just seen this and it is very useful! Thanks for the dedication to DP!
Have visitors this week so not keeping up very well. Very slick piece of work Reef, brilliant. Glad everyone can share it now. Cheers!
AutoTIMG for Firefox released!

For all those waiting for the Firefox version, it is now available.
It uses a toolbar button that when clicked will convert the tags in your post to [img] tags.


[*]Download AutoTIMG for Firefox from the above link.
[*]Drag the downloaded AutoTIMG.xpi file into a Firefox window. Wait a second or two, Firefox will ask you if you want to install it. Accept and restart Firefox.
[*][B]Important: [/B]Right click the toolbar > Customise Toolbar > Drag AutoTIMG to your toolbar.

And you're all ready to go!
Hi. I found something that is counter-intuitive in InDesign, putting hyperlinks in a pdf...

I finally got it down and finished a PDF combining the info on the AutoTIMG extension provided by TheReef in this Thread and the hand coding we figured out earlier. Please have a look at this and let me know what you think.

Restoring Thumbnails to Image Quotes

Would anyone be interested in an Opera extension? I don't know if anyone uses it, but it doesn't seem too hard to write extensions for
Hi. I found something that is counter-intuitive in InDesign, putting hyperlinks in a pdf...

I finally got it down and finished a PDF combining the info on the AutoTIMG extension provided by TheReef in this Thread and the hand coding we figured out earlier. Please have a look at this and let me know what you think.

Restoring Thumbnails to Image Quotes


Great job Dale, and many thanks. I've been using InDesign for ages and didn't know you could put a hyperlink in a pdf! :eek:

One small suggestion: to have the 'Restoring Thumbnails to Image Quotes' in larger bold font, then underneath something in the font size you're using now as a title for the top box, saying something like 'Restoring Thumbnails Automatically' or words to that effect. There's a box at the bottom on 'Hand Changing the Code' so that might make it a bit more immediately obvious what the top one is.

Does that make sense? This is what I mean:

Restoring Thumbnails to Image Quote

Restoring Thumbnails Automatically

Screenshots and Warning Boxes

Hand Changing the Code
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