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Great job Dale, and many thanks. I've been using InDesign for ages and didn't know you could put a hyperlink in a pdf! :eek:

One small suggestion: to have the 'Restoring Thumbnails to Image Quotes' in larger bold font, then underneath something in the font size you're using now as a title for the top box, saying something like 'Restoring Thumbnails Automatically' or words to that effect. There's a box at the bottom on 'Hand Changing the Code' so that might make it a bit more immediately obvious what the top one is.

Does that make sense? This is what I mean:

Restoring Thumbnails to Image Quote

Restoring Thumbnails Automatically

Screenshots and Warning Boxes

Hand Changing the Code

Thanks for the feedback. I'll play with that today.

I hit a brick wall with this and was about to switch to Illistrator and rebuild the whole darn thing over links. I put the code - http:// - into InDesign and got links but they refused to go to the right web pages. They either opened as broken or took me to TheReef's Google Code folder rather than the specific version of the plug-in I wanted. After finding nothing in the InDesign help, I did a search of the Web and found this link below. InDesign has a hidden panel for adding web links to pdf documents. It didn't show up in Indesign Help because I was searching on the term "hyperlinks". The app has it's own meaning for the term 'links". Anyone familiar with the app knows what I'm talking about. Any way, check this out. I use CS3.

Adding Links to PDFs in InDesign

Thanks, Dale. I've copied the link so that I can investigate later. :)
The document has been revamped with the suggestions from Ish. Here is the new link. The previous one is now set to Private so we don't get them mixed up.

That looks great, Dale. You're a star!! :)

HUGE thanks to Ish and Dale for all of their work on this. Much appreciated by the masses!:D

Very kind of you but I only wrote one post. Let's save all the thanks for the hero with the red car, above. :D
That looks great, Dale. You're a star!! :)

Very kind of you but I only wrote one post. Let's save all the thanks for the hero with the red car, above. :D
Oops. I forgot to give kudos to The Reef for developing the the whole change to
Any chance someone has the time to update the Firefox version for the current issue of Firefox? [insert puppy dog eyes here] :)

Ok, here's one that works with Firefox 8.0.1:

The new limit is Firefox 12, so we'll deal with that when we get there (at this rate, a few months). The power of open source, not having to wait for TheReef to fix it :)
Ok, here's one that works with Firefox 8.0.1:

The new limit is Firefox 12, so we'll deal with that when we get there (at this rate, a few months). The power of open source, not having to wait for TheReef to fix it :)

Thanks mackmgg! :)

I ended up removing the max version limit entirely, so we shouldn't run into this problem any more. I've uploaded this new version:

AutoTIMG 1.02 for Firefox


AutoTIMG 1.02

  • Adds compatibility for Firefox 8.01 and greater

EDIT: Updated first post
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Is anyone else having trouble in Lion with the Chrome extension? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I've relaunched Chrome several times. It just doesn't work. I'm running Chrome 16.0.912.75 on Lion 10.7.2.

Edit: I just tried to get the FF extension working in FireFox 9.0.1 on Lion, and struck out there too.
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^^^ Don't know about the glitch that shows up with Chrome under Lion. With regards to the Firefox extension, make sure it's the AutoTIMG version 1.02. The original one was version limited and broke with the last upgrade in Firefox. The v. 1.02 extension fixed that bug. There is a link here. If you have any trouble accessing it, use the link in my sig (assuming this is the problem).

autoTIMG v.1.02 for Firefox

I had issues with Lion on my '08 MBP, and will stick with Snow Leopard until I upgrade my hardware.


Edit: I just upgraded my Firefox to 9.0.1 and the autoTIMG button works for me. I don't know what Lion would be doing with this since it runs within the browser. That is best left to the folks who wrote the extensions to answer.
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Is anyone else having trouble in Lion with the Chrome extension? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I've relaunched Chrome several times. It just doesn't work. I'm running Chrome 16.0.912.75 on Lion 10.7.2.

Edit: I just tried to get the FF extension working in FireFox 9.0.1 on Lion, and struck out there too.

Does it just sometimes not work, or never? I'm using Chrome 18.0.1010.0 on 10.7.2, and it's working fine for me.
Does it just sometimes not work, or never? I'm using Chrome 18.0.1010.0 on 10.7.2, and it's working fine for me.

It appears to be intermittent. I just tried it, and it worked, whereas when I last posted to this thread, no amount of restarting Chrome and trying different photos seemed to help.

Another problem I first noticed yesterday is getting Jeffrey's EXIF viewer to work. I have a Chrome extension for it that works with a right-click, and the option in the contextual menu disappears after I use it once. Then I restart Chrome, and it works again...once. :(
^^ I can verify this on a SL machine running the same version of Chrome. The EXIF tab opens once and links to the data page with a new tab. After that it is inoperable. Closing the tab does no good. It won't open another one and the option in the right click menu is gone.

Now that Apple lets you run it in VMWare, I'll probably get a Snow Leopard VM up soon, and see if I can replicate this. Are you still running that version of Chrome? It sounds like it would be a Chrome issue if it happens to multiple extensions, but if it affects Firefox too that's weird.
Now that Apple lets you run it in VMWare, I'll probably get a Snow Leopard VM up soon, and see if I can replicate this. Are you still running that version of Chrome? It sounds like it would be a Chrome issue if it happens to multiple extensions, but if it affects Firefox too that's weird.

Just to be clear, I'm using Lion, not Snow Leopard. Firefox is working now. I had forgotten that I need to install the button in the toolbar manually (after installing the extension itself). :eek:

The Chrome TIMG extension is also working at the moment, but it has been intermittent. The Jeffrey's EXIF viewer extension is most certainly buggy--it works only one time per launch of Chrome, but it's really no part of this thread. I just thought it was a curious coincidence.
I just downloaded the latest version of Chrome on a Lion machine (10.7.1) and downloaded the extension, it works fine here.

Been a while since I've taken a look at this..

I have got an experimental version for Safari only which restores the image width in the forums to 1024px.
As always no garuntees this actually works 100% of the time, but feel free to give it a try, you can always uninstall it if it's no good.

I have also attempted to fix the Flickr quoting issues present in previous versions of AutoTIMG.

Get it here:
Safari Version 2.0 (Experimental)

If anyone wants to do Chrome and Firefox version let me know, I unfortunately have no time.

Please let me know if there are issues.

Cheers :)
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