Thanks Doylem. In fact, I think it was a post by your good self on one of these threads on how this type of subject works best when shot at the time around civil twilight, when the ambient and the artificial light are in balance, that got me started on seeing how Dublin would look using this technique.
I'm working towards completing a photo book - not for publication but just for my own edification. I have a list of about 120 subjects to get through and am about 2/3rds finished. When I started, in September 2012, I intended to collect around a dozen shots of the new quarter of the city growing up around the Docklands but I have since expanded my efforts to all areas of the city and its environs and to include old buildings as well as the new.
I never really felt inspired to take pictures of Dublin until I started out on this project. I work in the city centre so I think it was a case of familiarity breeding contempt. But by focussing in on a specific time - twilight - I have found that I am able to see my home town in, well, a new light. I think that's one of the great joys of photography - like travel, it broadens the mind.