My first sunset photo for 2017. A bit late start to the year - this was taken this past week.
Nice work guys!!! I'm a sucker for sunsets and all three of these are fun to just sit back and enjoy.
My first sunset photo for 2017. A bit late start to the year - this was taken this past week.
Looking forward to more if they're as good as that one.My first sunset photo for 2017. A bit late start to the year - this was taken this past week.
Untitled. A telephoto long exposure experiment. There was absolutely no wind, so it was possible.
I was shooting in broad daylight so used the following to get the 2 minute exposure:
Lee Big Stopper, Lee 0.6 Proglass solid ND and a Lee 0.3 Neutral Density Soft Grad. This made for 12 stops of filtration and 13 for the sky.
To get this exposure time, I shot at f16 that gave me f22 with the 1.4x teleconverter attached to my 50-140mm. This was shot at 188mm on the Fuji, giving a FF equivalent of roughly around the 285mm range.
I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. The mountains in the background were barely visible to the naked eye. I was amazed when I saw the camera picked them up.
I'm enjoying doing these 'quiet landscape' style images. It's challenging but very rewarding when the 'Less is more' idea works.
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Long focal length landscapes tend to buck the trend a bit - here's something less accomplished that I took the other evening with the sunset shots. Hand-held 1/100 sec at 300mm (70-300mm). Comments always appreciated.
The Tree by another scotsman, on Flickr
With that spectacular sky, who would want to sleep!
Very nice, but you realise we're in May now? You might get more views and comments if you repost here 6, automatics, no adjustments. Bermuda.