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macrumors 68010
Original poster
Jun 5, 2012
It's November on the International Dateline.

Welcome to Photo of the Day. The POTD thread was started by iGary in May, 2006 and converted to a monthly thread in November 2007 by Arn. POTD is one of the most popular picture groups on MacRumors, often exceeding 500 posts and 20,000 views per month.

Photo of the Day is intended to be a showcase for your best pictures. There is no limit to your gear, just your imagination. P&S and film cameras are welcome along with DSLRs. There are no themes like the Weekly Contest, and no winners (or losers) either.


*One Photo per Day - Don't post more than one photo each day.

*Quote with Thumbnails - When you quote an image please restore it's thumbnail before replying. You can do this either by installing the AutoTIMG browser extension or by editing the code by hand.

*Multi-Quote - To comment on several photos, click the Multi-Quote button. This puts all your comments in one post. Multi-Quoting is required on all of the MacRumors forums.

*SFW (Safe for Work) only - This is a site - wide rule. If you wouldn't show it in a public place, then it's NSFW (not safe for work). Think before you post.

*Describe your photo - Tell what it is and where you took it. If you know the EXIF data of a photo, include it. The following EXIF fields are recommended: Camera, ISO, Focal Length, Shutter/Aperture and Lens.

*Photography forum tutorials - If you need any help with posting, try one of these tutorials.

Posting Photos to Photo Forums from Flickr and ImageShack

How to Quote, Multi-Quote and Edit Posts

Restoring Thumbnails in Photo Quotes (AutoTIMG Extension and Code Editing)

For One-Click Access, they are all here: Designer Dale's Google Docs Folder:

Note: Anyone may start the Photo of the Day thread on the first of the month GMT. Please copy a quote of this post or download the Welcome file from HERE when you do. Both maintain all the formatting and links.

** To see all of our past POTD threads please see the sticky thread here **


Elliston, Newfoundland

One of my prefered shots from my first roll of slide film.

Just gutted that my scanner can't seem to capture the full range of colours and tones in the transparency! Might just have to bite the bullet and pay the extra to get the professionally scanned next time!

As always, comments appreciated!

New Look BTS by acearchie, on Flickr
Bag o' sweets

A rainy night during Halloween last night... lots of parents with the youngsters... I tried to grab a few shots but I didn't want the parents to take a swipe at me with one of those bags of treats !

A Greater White Egret from the bird walk the other day. Taken with "The Challenge" my manual 400mm lens.

Trinity Bay, Newfoundland


I'm here this morning and posting from my iPad Air. This thing is very, very cool. We'll done Apple. :)

Edit: Ok, that came out wrong. I'm here (at home) this morning...not Trinity Bay. Wish I was in Trinity.
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Trinity Bay, Newfoundland


I'm here this morning and posting from my iPad Air. This thing is very, very cool. We'll done Apple. :)

For a minute I thought you had taken the shot with the iPad air! Mine arrives Tuesday.

Nice leading line in this one. Those blue sky's just remind me of how grey and dull it is here in the UK at the moment.
Photo of the Day: November 2013

Testing out the low light performance at ISO1600 at 1/15 of a second. Mrs MacRy oblivious

For a minute I thought you had taken the shot with the iPad air! Mine arrives Tuesday.

Nice leading line in this one. Those blue sky's just remind me of how grey and dull it is here in the UK at the moment.

Thanks AFB. Hope you like your iPad Air. I've upgraded from the 1st generation iPad and the size, weight and performance difference is remarkable. I picked-up a brown leather smart case to go with it...very nice.

Nice photo. Elliston bills itself as the root cellar capitol of the world. There's a nice little piece on it here: I like those blue skies... I imagine the folks in Elliston did too.

Thanks Barry. I did check-out the root cellars (between taking shots of Puffins). A very interesting place tucked-in between Bonavista and Trinity that's not to be missed.


Mine for today.. a leaf caught in some thistles...


Great colour and composition Barry. Too bad winter is close upon us. Thankfully, closer to you than me. ;)
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