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Fog on the Mountain~

fogonmountain - 1.jpeg
Wow! I'm curious how close were you to get this shot? Awesome pic.

Thanks! I'd estimate I was about 20 ft. or so away. It was shot at 400mm on an APS-C camera for an effective focal length of (1.6 X 400) = 640mm (about 13X from a binocular/telescope perspective) so it was a significant telephoto shot.
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Yesterday afternoon I had a lot of fun watching the Hooded Mergansers as they were engaged in playing the Matchmaking Game! There were six males and one female; all of the males were trying their darnedest to catch her attention, win her interest and eventually claim her as their new mate......

In this shot, there is a fourth male just out of camera range and I don't know where the other two were just then, but the three who are escorting the female are clearly feeling quite happy. So was she.....notice the gleam in her eye and the smile on her face as she continues to participate in this game of "which one of these guys will I choose as my mate?"

Three Guys and a Gal.jpeg
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