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Mountain glory
climbing the bridle path up to mountain Lafayette in New Hampshire this weekend. I'm just getting into the alpine zone and the frost is covering everything. I never made it to the top, the conditions were too dangerous (ice, -26F windchill, 30mph winds,etc)
CampNH - 20191019-38-2.png
The Korean War Memorial in D.C. . I find it much more impressive at night . Unfortunately , for me , it's much harder to get a good image . Tried , in previous visits , to use a 50/1.4 and 35/2IS handheld , or with a monopod using ridiculously high ISO's . This time I finally got smart and brought a tripod and release along .

SL2 , 15-85@29 , f8@30sec , ISO 200
The slow shutter speed took care of a small group of tourists moving in the back , save for one guy with a cell phone who was dispatched into the ozone via content aware fill .
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