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So I know that visiting Cameron Lake, Waterton National Park, AB in the late afternoon is a virtual guarantee of dismal lighting and last weeks trip was no exception. Ended up going mono with this one.
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Which constellation is this?
Yesterday after shooting a couple of photos of a lone turtle on that partly submerged tree branch in the water near the fountain, as I was turning away in preparation for heading on down the boardwalk, I noticed how the light was hitting the water spewing from the fountain and decided to take a few shots, changing my perspective and angle each time.... It does look rather like outer space, doesn't it?!
A "quick snap" from an early morning walk near my home. I took my "P&S" - my Fuji X100F. It's a fun little camera. Fuji and the Capture One folks in Copenhagen have worked together to build a series of curve adjustments for raw files that align with Fuji's own in-camera JPEG treatments (acros, provia, velvia, etc). This one reminds me that I need to change the default curve to something other than Velvia Vivid. The greens are GREEN, even with some level of desaturation :).

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