Hey all.
Found a trouble issue tonight that near as I can tell, can’t be turned off and could be a big issue for me going forward.
We don’t use HEIC or equivalent at all. We are still fine with legacy JPEG or whatever you wanna call it. I have been on the iOS 14 beta since the beginning (now on the final version) and my wife downloaded 14 when it came out officially.
Today I noticed whenever we send each other photos in messsges, they are sending as HEIC even though they were taken as JPEGS originally (and if I check the photo on the source device it’s indeed a jpeg.)
There seems to be no way to defeat this behavior. Has anyone else experimented this and possibly know a fix?
Found a trouble issue tonight that near as I can tell, can’t be turned off and could be a big issue for me going forward.
We don’t use HEIC or equivalent at all. We are still fine with legacy JPEG or whatever you wanna call it. I have been on the iOS 14 beta since the beginning (now on the final version) and my wife downloaded 14 when it came out officially.
Today I noticed whenever we send each other photos in messsges, they are sending as HEIC even though they were taken as JPEGS originally (and if I check the photo on the source device it’s indeed a jpeg.)
There seems to be no way to defeat this behavior. Has anyone else experimented this and possibly know a fix?