Dude not to be rude at all, but you said your a long time PC builder right? Yes parts are parts but the Apple design and intergration is far better than ANY PC system for one.
Ok clearly the iMac design is very nice, I wouldn't have bought one if it wasn't but please don't give me the fanboy line of better than ANY PC system because that line is cheesy and simply isn't true. Your opinion may be that it is, but that doesn't make it fact.
Ive been using mine for 2 1/2 years straight on 24 hours a day playing advanced games, and running Vista as well (For the record the machine gets warmer with VISTA running, its not Apples fault that VISTA's OS is coded like crap!)
There is a reason why it gets hotter when running Vista, being coded like crap isn't it, but it's one that people use out of ignorance. Do you bow to the TV when the PC vs Mac ads play? I've run all of my Vista machines (thats 20 at work and 5 at home) since the betas and have had no issues. All OS's have bugs and Leopard is FAR from the perfection Apple and it's fanboys who drink their koolaid brag it to be. Vista is a victim of press, idiots and poor marketing and is also far from perfect, but it's the best OS they have ever made and SP1 helps in a big way. I think Windows 7 will be even better, I also think Snow Leopard will be something better as well, each has it's pro's and con's and neither is better than the other, but Apple sure loves that you buy it hook line and sinker.
I went out to dinner with friends and one of the guys asked me if I ran Vista. I responded yes, in every work machine and home machine. His response "OmiGod how could you run that crap?" I calmly asked how much he has worked with it, his response, never but Apple says its crap and all these people say its crap. So, in his professional view it was crap, yet he never used it. I bought a few Mac's so I could get back to using both platforms and because I liked the idea of having both on one machine. But this I have to hate one in order to use the other is stupid. Ford vs Chevy, is either one really better than the other? No, but Ford and Chevy are real happy when they get people to believe the hype and argue about them.
I'm not here to argue, I'm here complaining about a product that's running hot, much hotter than it should and all I get from Apple is it's normal and from Apple users I get the holy grail speech, good grief. I'll be posting temps in my next post, the PSU runs at 170f, this isn't warm, it's friggin HOT.
Ive not heard of many people complaining that their Imacs Burnt from heat issues in my time of reading and owning an iMac.
Burnt, the heat needed to actually burn is pretty high, so I doubt you would. Do a search, there are plenty of articles and forum posts filled with complaints, I found them easily.
If you feel its a BAD system replace it and try another one, Yes it gets warm, but I will settle for a little WARM monitor (Not that I ever need to touch it!!!) over the loud fans any PC has...
First, you're using a PC with Apple's OSX OS on it, it's no longer a Mac, it's a PC with a new BIOS not a Mac, it also has fans, in my view they could run a tad faster and yes, if I deem this machine isn't worthy of the near $2,000 price tag because of heat I will return it. So, now can we just stick to the issue instead of the fanboy talking points?
Only thing I would be worried about would be the HDD and PSU in the long term.
Agreed and also the CPU and GPU, lets not forget the very items that heat affects the most.
Maybe your room is warm too?
The computer is in my office which is my basement, it's never over 59f down here. During the summer it's the nicest temps in the house. Computers love the cool air down here, I can only imagine how hot this sucker would get upstairs.
Ok, here are the temps.
Fan CPU Speed 1200rpm
Hard Drive 1198rpm
Optical 680rpm
CPU 91f
Airport 124f
Ambient 74f
GPU 111f
GPU Diode 108f
GPU Heatsink 104f
Hard Drive Bay 1 120f
Memory Controller 106f
Optical Drive 110f
Power SUpply 178f
Room temp is 59f, just got off the phone with Apple, the PSU and overall temp's (Airport HD bay and PSU) are a "concern" considering the room temp, I have to bring it upstairs and run it over night and report back the temps tomorrow morning. I'll do it and post the numbers then.
For those of you who don't care as long as it works, ok, I understand that. For me however I expect a lot from a company that makes the claims that Apple claims and I expect a lot for the money I spend. I have nobody to complain to when I build a system, but my systems are rock solid, so I expect the same from Apple.
I also have a Mac Pro and I am one of those people who turned up the fans (1200rpms normal use, 1500 during heavy use), simply because 12 gigs of memory make a lot of heat (memory modules in A1 and B1 hit 180f during intense use) and the only thing that will get heat out quickly, is fans.