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Ughh, Just ran upstairs (2nd floor) to the basement like 10 times figuring out what was wrong and it not connecting. Now you want me to go back! Ughh. Be right back :)

EDIT: There ya go: First one- NAS
Second one- Router/Printer/UPS Backup/NAS/ (Cabinet thing that's sealed shut contains the wiring for the whole house for Cable/Sat/Phone, and we fit our VoIP and a router that acts as a network switch in there)

pics of the inside of "the cabinet thing thats sealed"?

kastenbrust: Same, can we get some pics?
Its just a whole bunch of wires, and a VoIP box and a router hanging by wires, lol. It has the cabling for the whole house for phone/internet/t.v.

And it's screwed shut, I'm not going to open it, it took me forever to fit everything in it. (The wires are huge)
Here is my homebuilt Windows Home Server. Just over 4 TB, and almost full, mostly from videos.

Outside case:

Inside case:

Old screenshot from WHS, a few months old. Much less free space now:

How'd you set that up? I'm looking to do something similar
As title.

Thinking of buying myself the LaCie 4big Quadra 8TB


Yes. I have been very impressed with LaCie's products and I highly recommend a LaCie Drive.


(3/4 Petabytes of storage space, 3 miles of fiber optic cable, 4 M2 Gb networks, 90 Xserves and 40 Xserve RAIDs)

Whoa....... :eek:

Who on earth owns that!? Pixar? Disney? Apple?
does this count?

1. Hackintosh: 40GB boot drive + 500GB storage WD
2. Time Capsule (backups) 1TB
3. - MacPower single case (on left) 500GB WD for movies
- LaCie DVD burner
- MacPower dual case (on right) 500GB WD (for random things) + 1TB WD (for tv shows and whatnot)
- all connected via FW400 daisy chaining to MBP (need fw card for hack)
4. LaCie USB 250GB hard drive (movie backups)
5. WD USB 1TB hard drive. mainly for current torrents + FCP scratch.

i think i need a better backup scheme haha! i total of 3.7TB, close enough to 4 :p (if i include my MBP 500gb HD that counts then).

i need some sort of RAID, not enough money to afford a gigabit/fw combination external case thing but.


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How'd you set that up? I'm looking to do something similar

I re-used an old case and bought the components individually, and purchased an OEM copy of Windows Home Server from Newegg. I chose a Gigabyte motherboard with 6 on-board SATA ports, a 45w AMD single core chip, and 2 gbs of OCZ RAM. Added a cheap Antec power supply (I think it's 380w), bunch of Samsung hard drives, and eventually the converter that puts 3x3.5" drives in 3.5.25" bays. I stole a DVD drive from my other system to install the operating system. The install is really easy, as is set up after it's up and running.

I've added a few things to it, such as running uTorrent and sanzbd as services. I also use Firefly media server to share my music via DAAP, so my server shows up as a shared library in iTunes.

If you do build one, I highly suggest getting a UPS. I had power fluctuations which caused registry corruption on the server, which was a pain to fix.

You can find lots of good advice for building and setup at WeGotServed.
1. Hackintosh: 40GB boot drive + 500GB storage WD
2. Time Capsule (backups) 1TB
3. - MacPower single case (on left) 500GB WD for movies
- LaCie DVD burner
- MacPower dual case (on right) 500GB WD (for random things) + 1TB WD (for tv shows and whatnot)
- all connected via FW400 daisy chaining to MBP (need fw card for hack)
4. LaCie USB 250GB hard drive (movie backups)
5. WD USB 1TB hard drive. mainly for current torrents + FCP scratch.

i think i need a better backup scheme haha! i total of 3.7TB, close enough to 4 :p (if i include my MBP 500gb HD that counts then).

i need some sort of RAID, not enough money to afford a gigabit/fw combination external case thing but.

Thats not a storage solution thats a storage nightmare! :p I'd go insane, you must be pretty organised.
Quick question - Any word on the 2TB Time Machine?

2x 1TB drives in my PC, 2x 1.5TB externals, and unfortunately, various drives that aren't working - hence the question about Time Machine for the future!

That LaCie blue light is always linked to a failed drive that just clicked and clicked, like an old airplane that couldn't quite get cranked up enough to spin up...
Most people with 4TB or above using RAID/ Drobo?

Sold the 2 x 1TB drives inside to a co-worker and dropped in 2 x 2TB
WD green drives set up as RAID1
sooo... would you count it as 4 TB or 2TB?
Thats not a storage solution thats a storage nightmare! :p I'd go insane, you must be pretty organised.

HAHA! it has gotten quite out of hand and to any 'organised' person it would seem rediculous in both terms of usability and backupability (made a new word :) ).

it does get annoying, i wish there was a way to connect them all onto the one computer (might get a fw card and connect into my hackintosh or something) then share the drives over my gb LAN)... actually i might just do that! haha thanks for the idea!
My solution is cheap and simple, but a bit crude.

I just use one of those tray HDD systems, where you can slide a tray in and out of the front of the machine.


I have 3 HDDs hooked up at one time. I've got Mac OS X 10.5.6, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 multi-booting, and if I swap the drive out with my 4th drive I've got Ubuntu 8.10.

I'll probably make more use of the swappable drive slot when I start to fill up my 1TB drive with gigs of HD video. Only takes a few projects or less to get well over 100GB.
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