I am rather fond of cheese, and I surrender happily to my SO, but my family left France in the 1400s...P.S. By the way, Skunk: you and your beautiful family definitely have a French look ;-)
Sans baby sister. Playing with Photo Booth while she was trying to do something.
That certainly sounds like a custom frame size. There's not much demand for those 6x40's!bout 6x40"
you mean I need to get a 30" ACD?
anyway.. sure:
theres a higher res composition here.. if anyone cares
I think that's sweeeet.
How exactly did you do it? I can think of the obvious tripod run and pose, repeat.. but that must have been annoying as heck! hehe
Im The one in the middle and my son and my fieancee( Misspelled prob.)
Sorry I don't have a picture of my girlfriend and me. Honestly I've never met my girlfriend in real life before.
Just because you play Tomb Raider doesn't mean you go out with Lara Croft.