What is the significance of the toothbrush?Well, this is me (Rose) and my friend (Luke):
What is the significance of the toothbrush?Well, this is me (Rose) and my friend (Luke):
What is the significance of the toothbrush?
Oh, there's a British joke in there somewhere, no?skunk doesn't have teeth. He's too old.
DizzyRose, he has way better hair than you do. Just wanted to point that out because all my female cousin saw me surfing and said wow he has really good hair. You just envied 4 female stylist =)
Here's my little lady and myself, both courtesy of her 20" iMac C2D's Photobooth!
And another... My gal is on the left!
LMAO!!!Don't ask what the penis-like shadow is in the background, I really don't know what it is.
it's so nice to see so many people happy and loving in such a hateful world! great job guys!