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Sep 25, 2018
We're going to be cutting it down.
would it be possible to make the homepage customizable? via your profile, eg you put checkmarks next to the content you really want to see? or it's all checked by default and you can unselect?
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Original poster
Aug 17, 2016
There's a loose plan for something like that, but it's behind a few other steps.
The issue with this sort of thing is that one is at risk of being sucked into an echo chamber or having tunnel vision.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 29, 2009
The issue with this sort of thing is that one is at risk of being sucked into an echo chamber or having tunnel vision.
I don't think I'll be missing much if I hide AppleTV news, and I doubt I lose anything of signifance if I can hide all of the political posts that have comments disabled anyways.


Jan 10, 2012
I don't think I'll be missing much if I hide AppleTV news, and I doubt I lose anything of signifance if I can hide all of the political posts that have comments disabled anyways.
- The ignore option for Political News seems to be working pretty well for me. (Toggles to Unignore when you're ignoring it).


macrumors newbie
Mar 26, 2012
I love the Apple TV content.

Not interested? Scroll on by.
It takes time to decide if an article is interesting for me or not.

I'd love a filter that excludes news about Apple product areas I care nothing about. It could also be interesting to have an opposite-filter-settings button (Show Me The Rest) that presented only all the stuff I normally choose to ignore... for when I *might* care or have copious free time.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
Last edited:
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macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
Getting Macrumours back on track would be nice:
I don’t think you can turn back the clock to when Mac was the big story.

However, while Mac, iPhone, iPad, Watch, HomePod, iCloud, Apple TV hardware etc. form a sort of continuum which would be hard to split up. News about TV shows - and ATV+ content is just TV shows - is really nothing to do with that and is much better served by other sites (esp. IMDB where it gets cross referenced with tons of data on shows and artists). We got through the iPod era without too many stories about bands releasing new albums or winning Grammys - no reason ATV+ should be different.

Or, to put it another way, please let’s not hear about the second ATV+ show to get a Blu-Ray release on these pages...


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
I don’t think you can turn back the clock to when Mac was the big story.

However, while Mac, iPhone, iPad, Watch, HomePod, iCloud, Apple TV hardware etc. form a sort of continuum which would be hard to split up. News about TV shows - and ATV+ content is just TV shows - is really nothing to do with that and is much better served by other sites (esp. IMDB where it gets cross referenced with tons of data on shows and artists). We got through the iPod era without too many stories about bands releasing new albums or winning Grammys - no reason ATV+ should be different.

Or, to put it another way, please let’s not hear about the second ATV+ show to get a Blu-Ray release on these pages...

Well, I can turn back the clock. But regardless, Macrumours of ten years ago had Mac news interspersed with iTunes news and the latest iOS or tablet news. What is mainly different is the focus on the front page changed to kill off creative and engineering topics. The homepage has slowly been filling up with political nonsense. The homepage promotes products (good or bad). And we have to wade through all the latest 'music' and TV like it is some TV weekly magazine you get with your newspaper.

Amazingly I don't come to this site to see who I can argue with today. I want to see the spy shot of the latest Apple product and where possible help folks with their Swift project and perhaps even have a nose at some new software review.

The homepage at time of writing has six articles I would expect on this site with two of those being page two material. A subway accepting Apple Pay isn't news, thats an expectation. Deals on AirPods, well shove them on a deals page. WhatsApp doing something... isn't Apple specific. Some third party exploding charger can also be shoved of to a deals page. Apple employees wanting fair treatment is all well and good, just disable the comments they are always full of people wanting slaves because they are miserable in their own jobs. The latest album by some singer... aren't their entertainment sites about? A story round up... if you stop posting rubbish then you don't need a roundup.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Ted Lasso news is annoying when it is posted almost every day about how it might win an award or some product placement junk.

At this point I've been blocking "Ted Lasso" anywhere I'm able to.
I'm totally exhausted hearing it pumped and hyped all over.

It's a bloody TV show - you'd think they cured cancer by how often people can't stop "raving" about it.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2011
Amazingly I don't come to this site to see who I can argue with today. I want to see the spy shot of the latest Apple product and where possible help folks with their Swift project and perhaps even have a nose at some new software review.

Could be that there's just not a lot of Mac or iHardware news at the moment - or even much in the way of "new" software (everybody seems to be busy leveraging the synergy of the post-neo-web-3.0 distributed enterprise AI serverless community). I guess it is all reflecting the sad fact that the Mac is now a minor string in Apple's largely-consumer-oriented bow.

I fully agree that it is odd that the "Community" forums rate an entry on the front-page sidebar while the "developers" and "special interest" sections don't. Those sections seem to have become a bit dead in recent years - whether that's why they aren't on the front page or because they aren't on the front page is an interesting question...

tobefirst ⚽️

macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2005
St. Louis, MO
The problem, in my opinion, is that MR zigged when Apple zagged. MR chose to consolidate all stories to the front page and at the same time, Apple became more and more diverse with their offerings. There was also the conscious choice to monetize the site more through (essentially) sponsored posts, affiliate link articles, and just plain strange choices.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
Could be that there's just not a lot of Mac or iHardware news at the moment - or even much in the way of "new" software (everybody seems to be busy leveraging the synergy of the post-neo-web-3.0 distributed enterprise AI serverless community). I guess it is all reflecting the sad fact that the Mac is now a minor string in Apple's largely-consumer-oriented bow.
If there is no hardware or software news, then there is no news. It is perfectly ok not to put up filler on the homepage until there is actual news.
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