I'm interested in a step-by-step description of how to make my Aperture library "pristine" before I migrate! I have no idea what that means.
I had a referenced library. In my case, "pristine" meant:
1) Photos, Reprocess Photos. Select All photos, Reprocess existing. This will force Aperture to look at every preview and its link to a master. It's a feature that assisted in ugrading from 2 to 3 that's still in the Photos menu. You don't really care about the reprocessing, you simply want it to go through the steps.
2) Search, File Status, Missing and Offline. Wait as it takes Aperture time to locate any.
3) Locate referenced files. Can be temperamental, just keep at it until you reconnect any missing images.
4) Do 1) and 2) again until it stops locating missing and offline files. The first time is seldom a complete clean-up.
5) Decide if you want to allow Lightroom's import plug-in to create full size, Aperture previews with edits. Pro: You have any edited images captured in a JPEG file. Cons: That means all edited images whether there's images you don't care about in there or not. Lightroom will place all of your Aperture Previews in one folder. If you want them back where they came from, it's a manual job. For a large library with a deep hierarchy, it's a lot of work. Or, you export to tiff or JPEG any Aperture edited images that you care about into their respective folders. Not quick if you have a deep hierarchy but is more focused and organized. And don't let Lightroom create Aperture previews.
6) Make sure your ratings, labels and keywords are what you want them to be. It's easier to make those changes in an app you're familiar with than a new app.
7) Do you want all your images in Lightroom? I took my 50,000 image library down to 33,000.
8) Is your Finder level hierarchy what you want? That's Lightroom's organization until you build albums. Which is so poorly executed (duplicate hierarchy, which may or may not mirror your folder level organization). I only use Lightroom albums for filters.
9) When you're sure your referenced Aperture library is pristine, hook up a spare drive and create a managed library. This wraps up the entire library and a duplicate set of all masters into once nice package. A precautionary measure.
10) You're done using Aperture, run the Lightroom plug-in.
When I got done, Lightroom had 1,135 more previews in its catalog than Aperture had. In reviewing the images, I recognized them, they should have been in Aperture, there was no preview in Aperture, there was a master in a folder, Reprocess Photos should have, but did not, surface these images. This is the biggest reason I'm happier using Lightroom. I never felt the Aperture data base was all that great. iPhoto's sure wasn't and Aperture uses the same data base.
Some of my steps were unique to a referenced library. Others would apply to a managed library as well.