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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 1, 2008
So third-party iPhone apps have Push Notification now, right? I still have not seen a single useful app that exploited this feature. iPhone apps still can't run in the background, right?

Okay, I desperately want a better calendar app for my iPhone. Apple iCal sucks really bad. Really, really bad. However, my iPhone calendar absolutely must be able to make my iPhone buzz, to notify me of upcoming events.

I can't find a single app in the app store which clearly will make my iPhone buzz for an upcoming event. I can find apps that allude to it, apps that say "Push notification of upcoming events coming soon", and apps that allude to placing the events into the iPhone's innate calendar, but I am not sure any of them will actually do what I want.

What I want:
1. A calendar where I type in appointments
2. My iPhone buzzes when an appointment is coming up

Who makes that?

Why the built in calendar app (iCal) sucks:

1. It has lost events on many occasions. I upgrade my iPhone firmware, or my iTunes software, or random chance, and suddenly it deletes events (it deletes data!) during a sync.

2. I have now configured it to warn me before deleting data, but I still cannot make it sync AND prevent it from deleting data. When I plug in the iPhone, iTunes says "Calendar events to be changed", and I can see that it plans to delete this and that (and it shouldn't delete them), but I cannot tell it not to delete them. The choice is "Sync" (delete stuff, lose data) or "Cancel" (keep stuff, but don't sync at all). God damn it! Let me choose the correct version of each conflict individually! What is wrong with you people?

3. Neither the iPhone nor iCal can add an alarm to a whole bunch of events at once (no batch processing), and I cannot configure a default alarm to be added to every new event.

4. When I duplicate a repeating event, it notifies me that it is deleting the repeating feature, but it doesn't give me a choice. They clearly thought about it, so why didn't they add the ability to choice "Duplicate repetitiveness" or "Make a once-only duplicate".

5. iCal has huge UI problems. In week and month view, you can't read the whole title of an event unless you physically click on it. Hover over should expand it, and the screen should be bigger with smaller font in the first place. As it is, every event gets its name truncated to like seven letters.

6. The iPhone calendar app has huge UI problems. The "Day" view is actually better than any view in iCal, BUT the iPhone app has the obnoxious feature that a new event is completely deleted if you don't click "Done", wait, and click "Done" a second time. Let's say I am adding an appointment in a hurry, just the name and date. I add the name, click "Done", click the date, add the date, and if I lock the iPhone at this moment I lose everything. Name and date have both been entered, but they vanish. No no, I must click "Done" to ENTER that date, then wait for what can be several seconds, then click "Done" once more the SAVE the whole entry, and only then may I safely lock my iPhone or press the home key.
I don't understand the "remember the milk" joke.

I am still waiting for funny/relevant jokes or recommendations of calendar apps.
You can only find vague answers, because right now, there are only work arounds. Yes, push is available now, but it takes time for app developers to develop and implement them.

IMHO there are only two calendars that are worth buying. The best is Pocket Informant. You can work around what you want with it by syncing to Google as it is developed to do easily. Then you set up notification types in Google Calendar, Google will send you a text, email or what ever you set up, at the set time before your event.

Pocket Informant has an update coming out soon, they think they have it ready to send to Apple now but are just testing a little more. That version has push notifications enabled in it.

They have the full version on the app store, $12.99 and a free version with limited functions for you to try before you buy.

I am not affiliated, but I am a big supporter of them. There customer service is second to none, as you can see if you visit their website and forum. Plenty of people on the forum, including myself, will attempt to help with any questions you might have. Often, you will get responses directly from the owner and programers.

I have never used notifications in Pocket Informant, but I just tried it to see if it would work for your needs. It was very easy to set up and the text came through exactly 10 minutes prior to the test event I did. You can setup notifications from 5 minutes to 30 DAYS before the event, in 5 minutes increments. And you can set multiple reminders for a single event, so a day before and then 15 minutes before for example.

HERE are some screen shots of Pocket Informant. In the upper right corner of that page, you will see two small links to a Quickstart guide and a Manual. They will help you set everything up with Gcal to receive notifications and sync.
Calengoo - I set my wifes Google calendar to share with my account so we both access/update the SAME calendar.

Then just configure Google Calendar with your mobile number (country dependent?) and you can get SMS text reminders for any appointments at whatever time BEFORE the event, easy to do and very reliable :)

Have you used any other calendar apps on the iPhone? If you have, what is it you like about Calengoo over any others?

I am curious because I tried it and thought is was very rudimentary. I know many users like it and I just don't get it. I would actually rate it at a very distant third of the three I have tried: Pocket Informant (1st), Saisuke (2nd) and Calengoo (..........3rd). They all have similar functions.

Just my humble opinion though, as far as I am concerned, the more calendar apps, the better. Not everyones schedule or needs are the same and I always hope for something better to come along.

Anyone interested should try the free apps to see what is best for them before buying one. I know Pocket Informant and Saisuke have free "trials" not sure about Calengoo.
Pocket Informant UI looks horrible... Those Fisher-Price icons make it seams like your using Windows XP's outlook express and for $12.99... woah Are you sure it's worth the price ?
So third-party iPhone apps have Push Notification now, right? I still have not seen a single useful app that exploited this feature. iPhone apps still can't run in the background, right?

Okay, I desperately want a better calendar app for my iPhone. Apple iCal sucks really bad. Really, really bad. However, my iPhone calendar absolutely must be able to make my iPhone buzz, to notify me of upcoming events.

I can't find a single app in the app store which clearly will make my iPhone buzz for an upcoming event. I can find apps that allude to it, apps that say "Push notification of upcoming events coming soon", and apps that allude to placing the events into the iPhone's innate calendar, but I am not sure any of them will actually do what I want.

What I want:
1. A calendar where I type in appointments
2. My iPhone buzzes when an appointment is coming up

Who makes that?

Why the built in calendar app (iCal) sucks:

1. It has lost events on many occasions. I upgrade my iPhone firmware, or my iTunes software, or random chance, and suddenly it deletes events (it deletes data!) during a sync.

2. I have now configured it to warn me before deleting data, but I still cannot make it sync AND prevent it from deleting data. When I plug in the iPhone, iTunes says "Calendar events to be changed", and I can see that it plans to delete this and that (and it shouldn't delete them), but I cannot tell it not to delete them. The choice is "Sync" (delete stuff, lose data) or "Cancel" (keep stuff, but don't sync at all). God damn it! Let me choose the correct version of each conflict individually! What is wrong with you people?

3. Neither the iPhone nor iCal can add an alarm to a whole bunch of events at once (no batch processing), and I cannot configure a default alarm to be added to every new event.

4. When I duplicate a repeating event, it notifies me that it is deleting the repeating feature, but it doesn't give me a choice. They clearly thought about it, so why didn't they add the ability to choice "Duplicate repetitiveness" or "Make a once-only duplicate".

5. iCal has huge UI problems. In week and month view, you can't read the whole title of an event unless you physically click on it. Hover over should expand it, and the screen should be bigger with smaller font in the first place. As it is, every event gets its name truncated to like seven letters.

6. The iPhone calendar app has huge UI problems. The "Day" view is actually better than any view in iCal, BUT the iPhone app has the obnoxious feature that a new event is completely deleted if you don't click "Done", wait, and click "Done" a second time. Let's say I am adding an appointment in a hurry, just the name and date. I add the name, click "Done", click the date, add the date, and if I lock the iPhone at this moment I lose everything. Name and date have both been entered, but they vanish. No no, I must click "Done" to ENTER that date, then wait for what can be several seconds, then click "Done" once more the SAVE the whole entry, and only then may I safely lock my iPhone or press the home key.

iCal + Growl + Prowl = May satisfy your needs. or not. look into it
The problem with push notifications in general is that they are not reliable, i.e. they depend on
1) the developer servers
2) the apple servers
3) your phone network

If one of the above is not working (and the number 3 case could happen very frequently) your alert will not ring.

This is why I think that the built-in iCal is still the best option if the alerts are important to you.
Pocket Informant UI looks horrible... Those Fisher-Price icons make it seams like your using Windows XP's outlook express and for $12.99... woah Are you sure it's worth the price ?

I have no doubt it is worth the price.... for me, I use it everyday. That is not to say it is the same for everyone, but luckily there is a watered down free version for users to try before they spend 12.99. Personally, I would pay 20 for the app. The Pocket Informant developers have 8+ years experience with their Windows Mobile app. as well as a couple years with BlackBerry, I would assume that is why they are so far ahead of the rest when it comes to features and function. There are features missing, but are planned in future versions.

Are you referring to the icons on the bottom? I believe those "Fisher-Price" XP lookalikes are directly from Apple, but I couldn't find where I had read that before. Compare them to the ones in the iPod app and phone app. None the less, if you don't like them, you don't like them, just personal preference.
Sync google calendar with iphone native calendar app. Works great. I make a change on my phone, it shows up on my calendar and vice-versa. My phone calendar gives me an alarm when it is time for a meeting and I also get a text message via the google calendar to phone so I get TWO reminders.

And the best part, is all done OTA.
Sync google calendar with iphone native calendar app. Works great. I make a change on my phone, it shows up on my calendar and vice-versa. My phone calendar gives me an alarm when it is time for a meeting and I also get a text message via the google calendar to phone so I get TWO reminders.

And the best part, is all done OTA.

Are you using the Exchange server for that or do you have it set up another way? I would love to do it, but I can't seem to get it to work well without the Exchange service (which is being used for my work e-mail:().
In my opinion, CalenGoo is the best. Because it is so customizable, it beats out SaiSuke. Also better layout and looks in my opinion. I have purchased SaiSuke and have used both.

As far as "alerts," as mentioned previously: I just set up google calendar's mobile alerts function, and bam -- wonderful iCal replacement, until Apple gets their calendar app in order and revamps it.
Sync google calendar with iphone native calendar app. Works great. I make a change on my phone, it shows up on my calendar and vice-versa. My phone calendar gives me an alarm when it is time for a meeting and I also get a text message via the google calendar to phone so I get TWO reminders.

And the best part, is all done OTA.

If I read that correctly, you set an alarm in Google for 15 minutes before an event, and that sync to the iPhone native calendar so it gives you an alarm in the phone too with no need to open the native app?
Another vote for [app]Pocket Informant[/app]. The timebars in monthview makes planning my lessons easy, the tasks all in the same view, and that it syncs to Gcal and Toodledo.

I've tried [app]Saisuke[/app], and it's decent as well, the copy and paste feature worked well for all my irregular repeating lessons. I don't get the draw to [app]Calengoo[/app]. It doesn't seem to have any features that the other two don't, and it's not as intuitive.

I've got the iCal on my iPhone synced to Gcal via the webDAV option, it's not terribly reliable though. I had an appoinment not get synced till a whole week later.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

I use Google Sync with the iPhone calendar and it works great. How could you lose your data when it's on the Google servers?
Okay, now we're getting somewhere. I will be researching my options, thanks for the input.
Yes, the sync I use is with exchange so if your work email is using that, then your out of luck on that front. Sorry.

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