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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 7, 2021
Can I use an Apple script to mark a particular item in a reminder as complete?


Red Menace

macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2011
Colorado, USA
To script any application, start with its scripting dictionary, which contains the available commands.

By looking at the scripting dictionary for, you will see that the application can have lists. These lists have names, and can contain reminders, which also have names. These reminders have other properties, such as completed, so you can do stuff like:

tell application "Reminders"
    log (get name of lists)
    set myList to list "Test"
    log (get properties of myList)

    log (get name of reminders of myList)
    set myReminder to reminder "Pizza" of myList
    log (get properties of myReminder)

    set completed of myReminder to true
end tell
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