iPad Air 2 — dramatic decrease in battery life. Can drop 30-50% in just an hour or two of browsing. Much worse than before the update.
It's also been several days now, so any background updating should have happened by now. And, I abandoned Home Screen widgets. As usual, background app refresh, Bluetooth, and Location Services are OFF.
As long as they permitting users to upgrade to 14.8.1 and NOT go to iOS 15, they should let those of us who mistakenly upgraded roll back to 14.8.1. That would be only fair.
It's also blatantly unfair to permit that update only via over-the-air, but not offer it as an option when connected by USB cable and iTunes. I knew I needed to upgrade for security purposes but, had I been prompted with choice of 14.8.1 or 15.1, I would have chosen 14.8.1.