Hi Tom,
I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not upset at all that people are talking about problems with their iMac. I also think it's great that folks are trying to pull information together to help decipher what's going on. (like in the thread I linked to a few posts above) But it does bother me when someone is, or at least appears to be, blasting the heck out of something with blanket-type comments. Take a look at the OP's recent comments:
Does this seem like he is trying to get to the bottom of the problem? Does it seem like he is contributing to the forum? In my eyes, he is simply taking an opportunity to continually bash Apple, just like he did two years ago. Now don't get me wrong: it's totally ok to not like a product and voice your opinion. But when all you can do is continually bash something and do so with outrageous claims (such as over 50% of all iMacs are effected), then yes, it begins to look like trolling.
Unfortunately Bryan your recent actions on this thread, including insults, and the continuous attempts to hijack the thread by ridiculing the poll, all the unfortunate people with issues, etc. are uncalled for and frankly getting rather tiring.
In business numbers never lie. This poll, retailers, and now review sites worldwide have already confirmed the likely large number of defects.
FYI I just returned from my local Best Buy and interestingly enough the 27 inch iMac was taken off the floor! I quote the Manager "Apple does not want it on display"
Hi Tom,
Does this seem like he is trying to get to the bottom of the problem? Does it seem like he is contributing to the forum? In my eyes, he is simply taking an opportunity to continually bash Apple, just like he did two years ago. Now don't get me wrong: it's totally ok to not like a product and voice your opinion. But when all you can do is continually bash something and do so with outrageous claims (such as over 50% of all iMacs are effected), then yes, it begins to look like trolling.
Here we go again. Am I trying to get to the bottom of the problem? What do you think I am? An Apple QC exec? Perhaps you should go back to the beginning of the thread. There you will see that a simple question has been asked about a specific problem. Period. No troubleshooting, hypothesizing, wishing, dreaming, or whatever else you are implying.
Then you falsely lie and accuse me of making "claims" (such as over 50% of all iMacs are "effected"
Yes this is trollingl and now yes you should be reported.