the overall design is great , i do not say the whole iMac is a design flaw
its just the two slots are to close together
i love my iMac g3 `s design , drive at the front , ports on the side easy to reach same on my eMac drive on the front ports on the side and the emac has even the tilt and swivel stand so just a slight turn and ey all ports in sight
ok i understand that is not a option on the new ultra thin iMac to place the superdrive in the front , but back to the sd card reader what is wrong with hiding it behind a flap on the front maybe behind the apple logo press the apple logo and flap opens and sc card reader appears , it would not spoil the look
and if that is no option there would still be the keyboard it ould not even make the keyboard bigger , sd card readers are no floppy disc drive`s, sd card readers are very small they are very small , i do not have one on my eMac they did not come with one , but i do have one in the usb port of the apple alloy keyboard
and its very small just about a tiny bit bigger then a normal flash drive and it reads all cards sd ,micro sd ,mmc ....without adapter