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I have never actually thought of it as a bad design floor, I would assume you would look where you are putting in the SD card. I guess for the people that do not, this will be an issue. I actually think having the DVD drive is a waste of time, I am going to remove mine as I have a portable and want to put in a SSD drive.

And look on the brightside, at least you will not loose any DVDs/CDs in the SD slot, now that is a "Feature"
I'm very thankful the SD slot is there, but really wish there was also a Compact Flash slot. But, then again, someone would have probably stuck a mouse pad into it.
as i`m used and love crt iMac`s and eMacs i do not care how deep a AIO system is , so i would have designed the new imac a bit deeper and without foot , instead i would have designed the bottom bit under the screen as one big flap to open and hidden behind the superdrive (this time one which could take mini disc`s too and the sd card slot and all the other card reader slots there are around and a slot for a hot swapable ssd and a normal harddrive , the 27" iMac is wide enough so you would not need externals ,as for everything would be a slot behind the front ,
and i would have designed it as fanless total silence
i think design should be practical first and upgrading should be easy possible for even the untalented user

and i do not think the flap on the eMac is ugly or bad design i think its great as the superdrive is direct where i want it in front of me , i cant see a point in running around the desk each time i need to burn some data on a disc or watch a dvd
User stupidity ≠ design flaw.

You're here just to troll? Or do you have something to add to the conversation?
There have already been several threads about people putting SD cards in the superdrive. There are several other aesthetically pleasing spots where the card reader could be moved to.
Speaking of unhooking bras. Well, nevermind.

But now I know why my mother said my father has a "good aim" while putting the SD card in the correct slot.

Yeah I'm really too young to know about that... but there you have it... and its out there.
Um.. I have never thought of that.
I don't currently own one, but I have seen them, and played around with them.
I don't know, this may just be me, but usually I tend to LOOK where I put things into.
just saying..
Um.. I have never thought of that.
I don't currently own one, but I have seen them, and played around with them.
I don't know, this may just be me, but usually I tend to LOOK where I put things into.
just saying..


finally, someone smart enough to make things with some sense!

It would be crazy if everyone did everything without looking at it. imagine that. It doesn't hurt to moove a bit just to see what we are doing, at least i think so, but i'm just crazy! :D
I never used the CD/DVD slot on my 24" iMac because it was too damned slow compared to an external drive, so I doubt I'll use that slot on my I7 iMac when it arrives. I have an external Kingston multi-slot card reader that I use for my camera and GPS, and I'll not likely use the card reader on the new iMac either.
You fanboys are high-lar-i-ous! I should have realized that any Apple criticism would be met with such witty responses from people who feel Apple could do no wrong.

So, what I've learned from my experience (which I was simply warning other 27" iMac users of), is to physically turn the iMac so I can see the side before I insert an SD card.

However, I feel that requiring me to do that act is--indeed--a design flaw, since this whole ordeal so many of us experienced (and will--even you comedian-wannabes) could have been avoided by simply placing the SD slot further away from the Superdrive slot.
You fanboys are high-lar-i-ous! I should have realized that any Apple criticism would be met with such witty responses from people who feel Apple could do no wrong.

So, what I've learned from my experience (which I was simply warning other 27" iMac users of), is to physically turn the iMac so I can see the side before I insert an SD card.

However, I feel that requiring me to do that act is--indeed--a design flaw, since this whole ordeal so many of us experienced (and will--even you comedian-wannabes) could have been avoided by simply placing the SD slot further away from the Superdrive slot.

To be fair, you are over blowing one incident by calling it a design flaw, and you couldn't honestly expect to come on here going ZOMG IMAC HAZA FLAW!!1, without getting a hefty amount of fanboys coming back at you, it's a Mac forum for crying out loud, this place is crawling with them :p

Of note, a design flaw is generally a flaw that causes the use of the machine to be impaired, as far as I can see, this "flaw" does not impair your use of the machine if you simply payed a little more attention.

My thoughts.
Apple got it right on the Macbook Pros: the SD slot is on the opposite side of the CD slot. Problem averted on that platform.

Look, I love my iMac. It works great. I seem to have none of the problems some others have with flikering and cracked screens, DOA units, and yellow tints (perhaps this is a design flaw with the packaging? Not to offend any Apple box fans here.)

Just so long as I can keep SD cards out of my Superdrive slot, I'll continue to be happy.
x3 - What are you people...on dope??

Excellent Mr. Hand!

Time will tell if it is a design flaw. I put my money on Apple relocating the SD slot. Too many sheep will come forward with SD cards in DVD slot. For what ever reasons- it will happen.

I'm one of the people who will always take a peek before I put the SD card in the correct drive.
OK, dare I say it? Perhaps THAT'S a design flaw?

It is :p I remember one of the tear downs shows apple used much bigger and better speakers in the 27inch iMacs, obviously the bigger magnets aren't insulated well enough against the screen. But screen quality has never been a big concern for apple ;)

(That'll get the fanboys going)
I'm sorry to talk smack about Apple, but yes, it IS a design flaw. It could have easily be place elsewhere. Heck, I would even liked the SD slot to be placed on the FRONT.

Sometimes, Apple is TOO concerned with form rather than function. (And I bet on future models, Apple will realize their mistake and the SD slot will be moved.)
I agree, it is a design flaw...but not an iMac design flaw because the flaw is between keyboard and chair. Users also have responsibilities, for example looking at what they are sticking into which slot. Is it a design flaw of the car if you're scratching the door because you're not looking at where you're sticking the key? Of course not. Sometimes users are too retarded to use a computer :X Scratching the iMac is also a possibility when not looking what you're doing btw, it's not just sticking it in the wrong slot ;) In other words, you'll have to look or feel where to put the cd/dvd/sd-card.

Disclaimer: I have a Dell 3008WFP with 2 usb slots above each other and above those slots I have another set of 2 for the card reader. I know what I'm talking about and my screen is even bigger but I learned that you have to look at what you're doing when you want to stick a memory card or usb connector in the display. Because of the 2 slots for the card reader I can't do it by using my sense of touch.

The entire story reminds me of people calling their cd-rom drives cupholders and complaining to the support staff that it either broke off or the cup fell off because the drive "suddenly" closed. We've seen what manufacturers did to fix the "problem": absolutely nothing (rightfully so).

Apple got it right on the Macbook Pros: the SD slot is on the opposite side of the CD slot. Problem averted on that platform.
I highly doubt that as some people are retarded enough to try and make a sd card fit into the ethernet or usb port...
Come on guys. Design flaw? Give me a break! It's not rocket science. I suppose you also like to stick your left foot into your right shoe?
I've seen some frivolous complaint threads but this is the best one in ages.

I don't look to see the SD slot on the side of my iMac. This may be difficult for those who would actually drop an SD card into the Superdrive slot to follow but: Holding the SD card between your thumb and index finger of the right hand you can easily feel the SD slot with your middle/ring fingers. Then just slide your ring finger to the bottom of the slot and get the card started into the top of it.

Most importantly keep grip of the edge of the SD card and if it doesn't lock into the slot pull it back out.

I haven't looked at the slots yet and somehow haven't come close to sticking an SD card in the Superdrive slot. You'd have to want to lose the card since you should always be gripping the SD cards even when they are fully inserted. You'd have to LET it go. That's not Apple's problem. That's incompetence on the user's part.

Oh, and thank goodness they didn't put any slots on the front of the machine. How ugly would that be?
Users also have responsibilities, for example looking at what they are sticking into which slot. Is it a design flaw of the car if you're scratching the door because you're not looking at where you're sticking the key?

I'm just DYING of laughter from all these witty comments! Keep 'em coming! :)

And, the slot for the key on MY car is right below the handle, not on the side of the door. I don't know where YOURS is.

Let's just hope the hoity toity Apple designers don't start making the iCar, or we'd all be in trouble.
Is it a design flaw of the car if you're scratching the door because you're not looking at where you're sticking the key?

Actually, if you can believe it I think a more apt analogy to his complaint is that it'd be a design flaw if you accidentally dropped the key in the gas tank because you weren't looking.
Actually, if you can believe it I think a more apt analogy to his complaint is that it'd be a design flaw if you accidentally dropped the key in the gas tank because you weren't looking.

Yes, because the gas tank and the door lock are SOOO close to each other (actually, if Apple designed it, they probably would be).
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