I just got this in an email newsletter from Dabs (a very big UK online retailer). It says:
Full link here: http://www.dabs.com/articles/promotions/products/s-8835.html
Lucky for me I got my 28th May confirmation but this is bad news for many I suspect. Wierdly though, the Apple UK home page says nothing about this and still quotes 28th May as the ship date.
- Julian
Unfortunately for UK residents, the release date of the iPad has been put back due to a suprisingly strong demand in the US. At the beginning of last week Apple were quoting the ship-by date for pre-orders as the 28th May but this has now been revised by over a week to the 7th June. Although Apple do say they will honour any of the initial pre-orders that were promised the earlier shipping date.
Full link here: http://www.dabs.com/articles/promotions/products/s-8835.html
Lucky for me I got my 28th May confirmation but this is bad news for many I suspect. Wierdly though, the Apple UK home page says nothing about this and still quotes 28th May as the ship date.
- Julian