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I should add that I've always liked the look of the Concord and the Sea Harrier.
Not sure of your location Melrose, but the museum at East Fortune near Edinburgh has got loads of goodies, Concorde G-BOAA, Vulcan, Lightning, Harrier, Tornado, Canberra, F4 Phantom, Comet. British aircraft designs of the 1950s-60s were just brilliant.

It's the only way to travel.
YF-19 Valkyrie from Macross Plus. If you're going to pilot a plane/space fighter, you might as well have one that transforms into a mobile suit.

On a slightly more realistic note, but not by much, I'd love a go in an Apache or Comanche.

I am a bit of an armchair aircraft buff. :eek: Just watched The Battle of Britain last night, so I have to post a photo of a Hurricane.


And I've been flying around Alaska in this exact machine this summer:


Astar B3 (Eurocopter AS350 B3 to you Europeans). This is a unique helicopter, it's been specially lightened to perform high-altitude rescue on Denali (Mt McKinley). What a ride!
I am a bit of an armchair aircraft buff. :eek: Just watched The Battle of Britain last night, so I have to post a photo of a Hurricane.


And I've been flying around Alaska in this exact machine this summer:


Astar B3 (Eurocopter AS350 B3 to you Europeans). This is a unique helicopter, it's been specially lightened to perform high-altitude rescue on Denali (Mt McKinley). What a ride!

I like the look of that heli. :)
thinkinblue613 was thinking right up my alley when it comes to military planes:

Gramps flew the P-38, and as such it's my all time favorite - I'd love to fly one someday (not likely to happen, though):


For current military, the A-10 is my favorite:


For civilian airplanes, I've been partial to the 727 (I was born on July 27th, and have loved the plane since I was a little kid):

Simply the best ever :)

But if I have to choose one that money can buy:


Bombardier C-Series (with a carbon fibre fuselage :)), customized with all the options availble.

With enough money you could hire aircraft engineers and build the necessary facilities to make your own SR-71. Maybe not in the U.S. but I'm sure there is some country that would let you.
Only fairly recently started doing lessons for a pilot's certificate.
Realistic: A Pipersport type thing (Or an Evektor Harmony LSA but the pic is of the Pipersport)

Getting a bit more unrealistic: I would also have a Carbon Cub SS (For when I want to land without a runway ie a beach)

Fairly unrealistic: A nice turbine Cessna 210 :D
Not sure of your location Melrose, but the museum at East Fortune near Edinburgh has got loads of goodies, Concorde G-BOAA, Vulcan, Lightning, Harrier, Tornado, Canberra, F4 Phantom, Comet. British aircraft designs of the 1950s-60s were just brilliant.
I live in NY, but would love to fly over for a Simple Minds concert. If I ever get there I'll check it out. :)

Definitely a sexy looking plane, although I was never a big fan of the cockpit. Clyde Cessna is rolling in his grave about the winglets, though.
Those winglets add several benefits to the plane, though. They're an ingenious addition.

- could I forget the B-2. I've loved the look of these ever since I saw that one blip of a
scene in Independence Day.
Those winglets add several benefits to the plane, though. They're an ingenious addition.

Oh I agree - the comment was tongue and cheek, based on Cessna's prior reluctance to use winglets in their designs. They even used to brag about it. :)
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