All 80386 CPU's lacked an FPU. The SX denotes the external 16-bit data bus, as opposed to the DX, which had the full 32-bit external data bus.[...] a 386SX (yeah the piece of crap without the co-processor!)
My first....a Tandy 1000sx
are there any websites that give you old information or catalogs from computer and electronic vendors so you can look at old prices / the evolution of computers. This thread got me thinking
I ran across this site quite a while ago. Very nostalgic
My first was a 386dx 33Mhz (?) if I remember correctly. DOS only! Had something like 1 or 2 MB of RAM.
Wow - how times have changed!
Does this count? MS-DOS yeah! Still got this at home in the loft, must get it down and see if it still works soon
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