Gotta admit; I honestly wasn't very hyped for Mass Effect 3. I picked it up because I used to love Bioware, and I think the first two games are quality titles and a good deal of fun. I expected to feel similarly with the final installment. Boy, was I wrong. This game is incredible. An absolute blast of a video game from beginning to end, and a prime example of why I play video games in general.
Thanks Best Buy! Their coupons were ridiculous last week. All the games pictured were $5, except for $8 RDR and $10 Batman. I bought several magazines, and traded in extra copies of Batman for 3x the amount in credit at Gamestop.
I might have already posted MGS; sorry if I have. I haven't been posting my pick ups much at all lately. Also grabbed RE, which I've heard great things about. A couple other titles I've been meaning to add to the collection. I got a mint copy of The Twin Snakes for a great deal - not certain what I'm gonna do with it yet, since I already have it. Might end up giving it to a friend. And finally, another 60 days to The Old Republic.