Though I've posted my setup elsewhere, I think the MacRumors people deserve a look, too. Truth is, I'm rather proud and happy with it. I got this MacBook shortly after the last revision in November, but have just got it set up the way I like it, and have transferred all my stuff from my old Mac (an eMac w/a broken CRT to the left on the first photo) to my new MacBook.
Most of my workstation (I need to get the proper lens to photograph it all!)
The central attraction.
A total of six cables make this notebook Mac a desktop Mac.
The rightmost drive is my video project drive, where I store large movie files I'm editing. The leftmost drive is everything else, including a backup for the MacBook's drive and the video project drive.

Most of my workstation (I need to get the proper lens to photograph it all!)

The central attraction.

A total of six cables make this notebook Mac a desktop Mac.

The rightmost drive is my video project drive, where I store large movie files I'm editing. The leftmost drive is everything else, including a backup for the MacBook's drive and the video project drive.