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I've got a couple more pictures of big white Cosmo The Cat.


Cat wot chillz.

You know, I always assumed cats were graceful and aloof. My cats? They're giant lovable dorks who are always breaking things and begging for attention.
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I found another picture of my Siamese. Her name was Peanut. She is no longer with us, but she was the sweetest animal I've ever had, cat or dog. She loved everyone, but especially loved to do this:
Toooo sweet! You must have been devastated to lose Peanut.:(
His name is "Pinceau" (In english it would be "Brush") you can guess why :D


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My roommate: I got him 3 months ago at the Humane Society, they think he is a year and half old. It took me a while to pick a name but I decided on Spudnik, but I mostly call him "Spud". He's the most talkative cat I've ever known: constantly making little churps and meowing at me. He greets me everyday at the door when I get home, tells me all about his day (I assume).


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Heh, I've got another one too, her name is Maggie, and just like yours she is very talkative too, almost seem like she answer back when we talk to her :)

Funny because it's the first time I hear about a cat doing that beside mine :D


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alot of pitbulls in this thread. not that its bad. just noticing thats all.

Mines not a pit, she's a staffy which is a cousin of the pit. Either way, before her I was seriously biased against them. Now, I see things a lot differently. I also don't see many pits in this thread. /shrug
I have posted my little pile of fat before, but here is an updated pic.

sometimes I think he looks like he is sleeping off a hangover..


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Dogs name - spot
cats name- George and Fredrick


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They are in shadow but are, Winston (tux), Nim (tiger), Tinkerbell (siamese).


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