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Now this is a thread I can get behind! Here's my boys. Zach, 10 in October is the dark red one and Luke who just turned 2 is the lighter one.
One year and 4 month old Manchester Terrier. Love the little guy to death.


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One of my two newest. Her name is Rogue. A sub-adult California King. She's the sweetest snake ever. She's literally like a puppy dog. She lays across my lap and falls asleep, lets me hold her and pet her head. Super, super calm and happy. She's so easy to deal with. Never the slightest aggressiveness. Kings are notorious for biting because they're always hungry (not a bad bite at all, but they do bite a lot) but she's never even remotely attempted to bite.

I'll have to get a picture of little Coral soon. She's a teeny, tiny Orange Milk. I named her Coral because she looks like a Coral snake. Super original, I know. Haha.


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How do you know who's Jake and who's Max?:cool:

Just by looking at the pics to me it looks like one dog is more lean then the other. also a slightly different head structure. I could be wrong though the camera can do weird things with distortion.
Just by looking at the pics to me it looks like one dog is more lean then the other. also a slightly different head structure. I could be wrong though the camera can do weird things with distortion.

Nah, it's one of those split personality things, he actually only has one dog. Notice how the dogs are not seen together in the same pic:D. Kind of like Fight Club:cool:
I wish Buddy could last six weeks! He has to do monthly, and by three and a half weeks, he looks ridiculously disheveled all the time. ��

He's sure is a cutie...

Nukes had to have a bath yesterday cos she decided to go digging the day after her shampoo and trim...

They are weird looking critters with no/wet fur!


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Holy smokes! Nukes and Buddy are bath twins. He HATES baths (too bad, so sad for a Bichon), so I get him groomed, but this is the one time we tortured each other at a do-it-yourself-groom place.

We agreed that wouldn't happen again.

Bichons are such clowns. Even if they weren't this adorable, they'd be just as popular.


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