I figured it is time to post my pictures of my pets
First is my buddy, Tom, named after Tom and Jerry.. He was abused by my brother as a kitten so he is really shy, but he come around every once in a while. Mainly keeps to himself.
Next is his twin, a friend of mine had a party at her apartment, and I saw him and freaked! He was cool, actually played with me, as we watched that beetles movie. (I was bored)
Last are the dogs, Maggie is about 7 or 8, and is the giant Yellow Lab, she's over 100lbs. And the Jack Russell doesn't really have a name (well my brother gave her a bad one), everyone just calls her what they feel like. I usually go with bob Errary (if you are a pens fan you'd know why) or Fay.
ps - the Flash on the curve is so bright it made the kitties angry. hahahah