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Simba and his christmas tree. Just guarding it.


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100_0013.JPG Ella, about 10 yrs old
First decent picture I've ever had of her. She's so fat she just turns into a black smudge when I take her picture.

100_0009.JPG Jasper, about 5 yrs old
She is very talkative and has chosen me as her sounding board. Awesome at 3am when she's standing on my chest and wants to have a chat.
This pic make me wish I had a Russian Blue Kitty or Cat

Jasper, about 5 yrs old
She is very talkative and has chosen me as her sounding board. Awesome at 3am when she's standing on my chest and wants to have a chat.
This was my family's old pet cat. She was a massive fat beast, was terrified of everything, and basically just ate until the Lord deemed her too blobberiffic for Earth.

R.I.P. Phoebe.


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One of my sons and his new puppy "Teddy"


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Here's a pic I recently took of my kitty with my iPad. Even though the quality is kind of crappy, I just love this pic


And here is a pic I took of my dog, and I used an app to add a few things:D


Panda and Tink, best buds. Just two on the menagerie we have of two cats, two dogs, a dozen goldfish, rabbit, and six ponies.
The pugs love basking in sunlight on cold, winter mornings. (We keep a collar on Stella because she likes to scratch her face until it bleeds.)


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