This is Rahne, one of the two border collies in the family.
She apparently wasn't pleased with how long it was taking me to replace the liner in "her" pool, so she scooted a box over to the wall and took a peek. Then she jumped in, apparently to directly supervise.
Border collie micromanagement, gotta love it.![]()
this type of dog is funny. they always look pissed off
Did you post this thread on Reddit yesterday? haha
This is my newest pet, a velociraptor named Maya. (She's sitting in a trash can)
The humane society fooled me into thinking she was a kitten but nope, definitely a velociraptor as evident by the claw marks on my stomach, and face, and hands. (She's all sweet and lovey but geeze does she play rough!)
I hate this thread because I'm jealous of you all...
more or lessI'm assuming you can't have pets where you live? My last place was like that but my new place allows them.
Her name's Ripley and she's 7 weeks old![]()
What breed?