we have an F4 Savannah... (a Savannah is a cat bred from an African Serval)... unlike normal domestic cats that grow for one year... Savannahs grow for 3 years, first two years are structural growth and the third is muscular growth. he is about 2 1/2 years old.... so he's not quite done growing yet

these are kinda older pictures of him... taken about 6-9 months ago... his name is Apollo. we also have a domestic black cat, but i couldn't find any recent pics of her... her name is Athena.
and then we have two chiclid tanks. one has all convicts.... who had babies...
and this is our big 55 gal tank that has a mixture of african chiclids...
we also have a terrarium with several geckos, frogs, and toads in it... then we also have a map turtle and an Argentinian Black and White Tegu... but I couldn't find pics of them either.
so yeah we have a zoo ;o)