From my parents;
Red Wii & and Donkey Kong Country
Some paint and canvas
Couple hundred in cash
From my GF;
Pair of Puma shoes
AE Jacket
Abercrombie Sweatpaints
Halo Reach
All 4 seasons of Futurama
A really cool ostrich case for my iPhone 4
$50 Gamestop card for both of us from her aunt
What I got my GF;
iPhone 4 from my parents and coach keychain
2 Remetee shirts
a Sinful shirt
Coach purse
Hollster pants, sweeter shirt
Family guy movie and seasons 1 & 2
Victoria Secret bra and panties and some lingerie(More for me then her
New dressy sandals
Her dad and step mom got us one of those fancy single cup coffee makers
Red Wii & and Donkey Kong Country
Some paint and canvas
Couple hundred in cash
From my GF;
Pair of Puma shoes
AE Jacket
Abercrombie Sweatpaints
Halo Reach
All 4 seasons of Futurama
A really cool ostrich case for my iPhone 4
$50 Gamestop card for both of us from her aunt
What I got my GF;
iPhone 4 from my parents and coach keychain
2 Remetee shirts
a Sinful shirt
Coach purse
Hollster pants, sweeter shirt
Family guy movie and seasons 1 & 2
Victoria Secret bra and panties and some lingerie(More for me then her
New dressy sandals
Her dad and step mom got us one of those fancy single cup coffee makers