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Has anyone updated to 2.0.1 and gotten customize to control wallpaper? I'm not talking just the lockwallpaper, but the regular one? Previously I had Winterboard + Customize and that would let Customize control the wallpaper, but now Its not for some reason. I get a file copy error when attempting to apply a wallpaper from Customize. Any ideas?
Looks great. How do you get winterboard to work? I installed customize and winterboard and all I see is a background that changes everey minute or so

Well, I'd delete customize and stick with winterboard. After that download whatever theme you want, launch winterboard and your theme should appear, select it and you're good to go.
cool - did you just drop ReTEXT into library/themes and install via winterboard?
here are a couple of mine... they are mostly custom... mix and matched... im not taking credit for any of them except the first one... the carbon fibre bg and the dock was made by me... all other backgrounds and icons belong to their respective owners!


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I like symmetry

I keep:

3 three communications apps on the bottom, centered
8 utility apps on the left.
12 main apps in the middle, organized vertically into workday apps, then media apps, then internet apps, & horizontally by relevance.
8 stupid items like a few games and webclips on the right.

I keep it on the main screen of twelve, since I use them the most, and it keeps the center dot (of three) bold.

If I add an app, I have to take something else off.

I use a black theme at work, and a white colorful theme when not.

I am not ocd. I am not ocd. I am not ocd...

When my employees got a little too grabby, I took the screenshot of my springboard with all the apps on it, set it as my wallpaper, and then slid all my apps off to the sides, so when they'd pick up my phone and try tapping on things, nothing would happen.


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