Have you tried changing the extension to ".txt?"
Sometimes Windows is stupid like that.
Have you tried changing the extension to ".txt?"
Sometimes Windows is stupid like that.
AttachedI have the Glass Orb theme, but my SMS app is being gay, and its icon has a bubble around it..can you upload yours please?
I like themes that maximize my wallpaper, I might change the dock icons to match the app icons
I added reflections to my dock, but does anyone else think my reflection for stack looks weird?
Here is my Springboard. I added some category folders.
Good idea, but no that didnt work.
Bear hunter, how do I view the readme files?![]()
Bear Hunter-
I had a custom theme going on right. with icons and background, and the Clock Screen widget on the springboard, then I tried to add the Time of Day theme, but it made my background black, and my Orb Dock thing not work. Can I just copy/paste the Time of Day folder files into my Clock Screen folder? or..whats a better place to put it. because if I put the theme on the top of Winterboard, it takes out my Clock Screen widget.
Can you tell me how to modify the .HTML file? I already got the pictures I want to use.
My Theme already got a private folder.
I got a weather widget(not frm Cydia, before that, SSHd it), clock widget on home screen...and the 1week weather thing on the lock scrn.
everytime I try to put the Time of Day backround as the top works but it knocks out all of my widgets.