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My perfect iPhone (for now). After a lot of tinkering I'm finally very satisfied :).
statusbar from revealtransparent.theme And the square icons I made using the blank icon from revealtransparent.theme and pics I found on the internet and photoshop. The dock and most icons (although I made some) are from glassorb.theme

The rectangular icons on the second screen are folders via categories.
Everything I use often is at my fingertips, organized very well. Everything else is tucked away neatly in categories under my custom made icons. Before jailbreaking and becoming familiar with custom themeing, I had 6 pages full of apps!
It's amazing the things you can accomplish when you should be studying but can't resist procrastination ;-)


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Banners are functional icons

Last fm
Internet Radio Box


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Here's Mine

Here is my Springboard. I added some category folders.


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Good idea, but no that didnt work.

Bear hunter, how do I view the readme files? :confused:

Man, I don't know. Any help from Windows users? What do you guys use to view RTF files?

dieburnbot...reflections look good man :cool:

Latest setup:

The widgets can now change colors depending if it is day or night using "Time Of Day" HTML available from Cydia and incorporating day and night versions of widgets on wallpaper

Day and Night: Blue and purple weather widget backgrounds not used on purpose. Analog clock works with moving second hand and opens Other widgets open up other apps.

Bear Hunter-
I had a custom theme going on right. with icons and background, and the Clock Screen widget on the springboard, then I tried to add the Time of Day theme, but it made my background black, and my Orb Dock thing not work. Can I just copy/paste the Time of Day folder files into my Clock Screen folder? or..whats a better place to put it. because if I put the theme on the top of Winterboard, it takes out my Clock Screen widget.
Bear Hunter-
I had a custom theme going on right. with icons and background, and the Clock Screen widget on the springboard, then I tried to add the Time of Day theme, but it made my background black, and my Orb Dock thing not work. Can I just copy/paste the Time of Day folder files into my Clock Screen folder? or..whats a better place to put it. because if I put the theme on the top of Winterboard, it takes out my Clock Screen widget.

I don't use the TimeofDay theme. I downloaded it just to get the HTML. I modified the HTML file, used my own walls and stuck it in my Leopard theme folder.
Can you tell me how to modify the .HTML file? I already got the pictures I want to use.

Just open it up and change the picture references to your pics, then SSH it into your theme folder. Create a "Private" folder in the same location and put your pics in that.
I got a weather widget(not frm Cydia, before that, SSHd it), clock widget on home screen...and the 1week weather thing on the lock scrn.

everytime I try to put the Time of Day backround as the top works but it knocks out all of my widgets.
I got a weather widget(not frm Cydia, before that, SSHd it), clock widget on home screen...and the 1week weather thing on the lock scrn.

everytime I try to put the Time of Day backround as the top works but it knocks out all of my widgets.

I don't know how all your other widgets are setup...It's knocking it out because there is a conflict.
I got my Orb dock and my lockscrn weather to work..but my clock screen isn't working. how do I fix that?

first pic: The Apple sliders on top of Winterboard
Second pic: Winterboard
Third pic: Clock Screen up top (way I had it before I added the Time change thing) but it had a leapord background.

notice the clock/weather widget on top.


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Here's a couple of my Winterboard screenshots. Having a problem with the time and day of the week overlapping with "O" and I haven't figured it out yet. Pic 1 is my SMS text screen, Pic 2 is my Leopard screenshot, Pic 3 is my weather screen and Pic 4 is my Vista Home Screen:


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