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They're a rare breed of fish, but they're nice because they don't eat or poo. They just sit there and guard my treasure in that sunken ship there.

Also that Plecostomus is now dead :(

How did you kill a Pecostamous? I always had to sell mine back to the store because they got so big. (3-4 years)

I miss my Oscars. I loved feeding them feeder guppies/goldfish. I would have to cover the openings on the top so the fish would jump out or splash water out. Sick I know....:eek:

I also miss my African Cichlids. They lasted 5-6 years each.
Unfortunately I couldn't introduce any new/younger Cichlids because they'd be killed within 20 minutes.
Saltwater FTW!

My 10G Nano
Lighting - CurrentUSA Satellite 40W CF Light
Filtration - Aquaclear 100, which I turned into a Refugium with some Cheatomorpha, and a little Aquaclear 20 for running some media.



My Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp:

My Royal Gramma:

My Percula Clowns:

sadly the one on the right died soon after I got them, he was so tiny he got stuck to the filter intake while I was out, and buy the time I got back it was too late :(

I've been keeping fish for at least 15 years, just started Saltwater a few years ago.
Saltwater FTW!

My 10G Nano
Lighting - CurrentUSA Satellite 40W CF Light
Filtration - Aquaclear 100, which I turned into a Refugium with some Cheatomorpha, and a little Aquaclear 20 for running some media.

I've been keeping fish for at least 15 years, just started Saltwater a few years ago.

Love your tank and those royal grammas! i wish i still had my mini reef but i really dont have time to maintain it.
maybe put a six line wrasse in your tank or maybe a goby to swim in/out of the rocks to help clean it up a bit.
Love your tank and those royal grammas! i wish i still had my mini reef but i really dont have time to maintain it.
maybe put a six line wrasse in your tank or maybe a goby to swim in/out of the rocks to help clean it up a bit.

Thanks, honestly I haven't been maintaing mine like I should. Those are old pics, it looks worse then that now. I really gotta get back on track. Maybe I'll do a water change and scrub the Live Rock today.

As for the Six Line, I think that might be pushing the bio-load a bit in a 10G, I could probably get away with a Glown Goby though, we'll see. Let me work on making it look nice again, before I add more fish :)

Here is my modest submission. :p

Very Nice! Is that a 125? Thats the size I want eventually.....

I had a Saltwater years back. They're awesome!

Nice job on yours. Where do you get the inverts?

I really don't have many inverts, only a CLeaner Shrimp, and a few Snails. I got them from local stores (well about an hour away). I should add some more snails though.
here are mine...






I don't have the piranhas anymore, they died (more like i killed them by accident on a water change :() now i have african cichlids, and a red ear slider (different tanks of course) funny thing is I named my turtle Herman, only to find out later on that it's a girl, but she is still Herman to me. :D
Get any h2o in that puppy yet?

yea added water last Wednesday, its 9days into a fishless cycle so hopefully i can get some fish next week,

going to start with some ghost shrimp and a few guppies,

then later some neon tetras and Glowlight tertras

then future some bronze cory and an otocinclus or two

i will take a few pics in the morning

My fish swim around inside of what used to be my iMac. I had one fish that must not have been a Mac fan because it jumped out of the tank. I found him gasping on the side. I put it back in and I'm pretty sure he's a switcher now!

My fish swim around inside of what used to be my iMac. I had one fish that must not have been a Mac fan because it jumped out of the tank. I found him gasping on the side. I put it back in and I'm pretty sure he's a switcher now!


just kidding...this one takes the cake instead!:D
My 120G with 17 congo tetra, large pleco, four clown loach and a pair of kribensis....oh and some black skirt tetra.

my fish had fry yesterday,, well i only see one,, and it seems pretty big, maybe theya te all teh othe rones alreayd wha are the chances of only one hatching right? here is a pic of it, it won t let me take him out of teh tank i just can t get it, so i just put a bunch of rocks around its hidding spot so that he can hide until i can get..


  • Picture 14.png
    Picture 14.png
    486.3 KB · Views: 148
^what kind of fish?
good idea on the rocks. as long as there are hiding places it can go when chased things will be fine. if not well.. thats nature.
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